PSN account ID rise of zeus slot gear
Paradox - Guide & Walkthrough
This dungeon features a puzzle theme, including the boss fight, which means you can clear this dungeon as soon as it is free. You need to reach the portal within the given restrictions. You don't lose anything if you die, and you can quickly return to the stage you failed at, as stages are unlocked separately once you've cleared the previous one. Luckily, we've provided the solutions for all levels below.
Pick up the crab and throw it at the turtle. Very easy.
- Move one space towards the bat.
- Pick up the bat and throw it at the minotaur.
- Go forward and press X once.
- Pick up the imp and throw it at the bat.
- Pick up the minotaur and throw it at the imp.
- Pick up the zombie and throw it between the imp and the minotaur.
- Go forward one space, pick up the manta, and walk to the portal while carrying it.
- Set the angel helper to Cover Me.
- Move forward one space and collect the paralysis orb.
- Throw the orb at the cactus.
- Pick up the cactus, move two steps forward and throw it as far as you can.
- Move one step left and use Angel Toss to throw Renya onto the cactus.
Collect the item and kill the zombie. Throw the healing item and use Rotary Emission.
Walk seven steps left, turn up and use the jumping device.
- Get the backpack.
- Use the backpack's divine skill to get a beetle and throw it to where the gate is.
- Use the backpack's divine skill to get boots and equip them.
- Use the backpack's divine skill to get another item. Make sure you pick it up, it's the only place you can get it and you need it to get the "All Items" trophy.
- Use the boots' divine skill on the beetle.
- Turn left and attack to spawn a trap.
- Pick up the trap and throw it away.
- Pick up the thief hood and use your divine skill.
- Stay in the same place and wait for the enemies to approach. When they do, pick it up and throw it so that it lands on the trap.
- When all the enemies are gone, head to the gate. Lift up all the traps that are in your way.
Sliding puzzle, yay! You need to reach the portal in 10 moves.
All instructions here are from the initial camera perspective. "Face Z" means hold Square and press any button on the D-pad to make Renya face that direction. "Accelerate" means use your accelerator divine skill.
- Look down and equip accelerator
- Look down and accelerate to get a magic shroom
- Look right and accelerate
- Look up and accelerate
- Look up and accelerate
- Accelerate left
- Use magic shroom
- Look right and accelerate
- Accelerate facing down
- Get both items and equip them. If you want to kill Cobold, kill. He is just there to deceive you)
- Make rocks with snake hair Divine skills. Use it to climb the left stand.
- Pick up the rock and place it on the edge of the table.
- Solve the sinque hair technique and throw the rock on the edge of the platform with the gate.
- Stand on a rock, use robot arm debine skills to reach the gate aiming for snake hair.
Boss: Lv1 Raspellil
Immediately activate Rakiel's damage zone, get one medicine item, and throw it to Rakiel if Beryl attacks twice. Checkmate.
Well, it was easy. Get the sacred item "God Wallet" and the trophy "Rasvialir defeated".
Survival dungeon
This mode is unlocked when New Game+starts. It is best to start immediately because it does not depend on the current equipment or Divinigram settings.
- The 50th floor, there is no boss at the end.
- Start without an item, without a divinigram or a total level boost.
- Enemies will ask
- Mas s-produced Holy Artifacts are effective in the entire dungeon. This is a reward obtained when clearing the entire dungeon, and if this is effective, the first to 10 floors are+2, 11 to 20 floors+3 per burst, +4 for +4 floors. You can get a sacred icon as well.
- If you defeat the strong enemy, you will be +1 each time you defeat one strong enemy of Holy Icons obtained by Burst. This is added to the mass production bonus of the dungeon.
- The enemy's drop varies. The enemy does not drop equipment, but instead drops recovery items and attack items. In other words, most enemies can drop apple.
- Each floor must have dropped equipment.
If you want to run more easily, use an infinite en glitch. In this case, it would be better to take Liliel. If you don't want to use a glitch, we recommend Kroiel for the first 10 floors.
Floor 1-10
Defeat all enemies on each floor and collect as many items as possible. You may not believe it, but this is the most difficult. Set your partner to "Cover Me". Most of the runs will be this as they are.
Ideally, it is desirable that both characters are full equipment before reaching floor 4.
If you come across an item shop, you may want to stay on the floor and aim for the enemy to sell what you sell. In particular, Fruits of Eden sells at 2500, so it's a lot of money.
When you arrive at the floor 8-10, stick a little and burst as much equipment as possible. On the floor 9-10 you will see 3*equipment, so cling to the equipment. Ideally, I would like to burst all equipment before moving to the caravan floor, but in most cases I will not be able to burst. If you find an irregular floor, stay on the floor and burst all equipment. When you enter the irregular floor, move to Divinigram and put all the Holy icons on the Lenya and the current helpers.
The burst rate depends on the level difference between you and the enemy, and may only burst per kill.
When you arrive at the caravan, let's strengthen the equipment to be used from 3*. If you have extra money, strengthen what to remain. Well, above all, you want to set the Divinigram first. Most of the ATK and Hit's sacred icons to the angel partner are given to the Lenya. On the next floor, give your partner with ATK and HIT equipment.
If you do not use infinite EN Gritch, we recommend using EN recovery items wisely. When EN is 0 % and HP is about 25-50 %, it is a good time to use items.
Also, in case you are unlucky, you should make a backup at this point.
I stayed on the floor 10 until the Divine Wind arrived and defeated various things.
My status after floor 10 or later
I'm going to improve my status for each 10th floor. This is the main reference material that indicates what typical runs are and how much status on each floor. As long as your status is near these values, there should be no problem to clear the floor of the next set.
Holy icon number ATK icon ... 5 HIT icons are 5 HIT icons ... 4 DEF icons ... 6 SPD icons ... 2 SPD icons .... .. + 2 is 5 Lv21 Renya HP 336 ATK 357 DEF 255 HIT 215 SPD 264 Kroiel HP 306 ATK 270 DEF 303 Hit 180 SPD 119
He handed all the DEF and SPD icons to Renya, and gave Hit and ATK to Kroiel.
Floor 11-20
Okay, now it's time for the real thing. Zombies start spawning on this floor and are key to the success of this strategy. Hopefully you can kill some early on because they get tougher as you go. Once you've killed some, set your partner to "Don't move an inch" except for the corpses. Lure the wandering zombies next to your partner and have them kill them. Make sure your partner is surrounded by 3-4 zombie corpses. Keep it to just 2 early on to be safe. As your partner continues to kill zombies, he will level up. When you start to get low on EN, head to where the carnage is happening and you should find some apples and Fruits of Eden lying around. Eventually your partner's gear will burst, which is fine as this is what you really want. If that happens, equip them with your new Unbursted gear. The zombies on floor 11 have around 165 HP and over 600 DEF, so all zombies on these 10 floors will deal negligible damage.
Don't stray too far from your partner and keep an eye on their HP. Sometimes enemies will wander in and do AoE attacks from afar, and you may not have the SP or divine skills to deal with them. Be prepared for this possibility.
Feel free to stay there until Divine Wind takes you to the next floor (which will take a really, really long time, but it will come eventually), and repeat power leveling if you find zombies on that floor. If there are boards/thorn snails in the area, I recommend moving on as they will confuse the AI significantly. Also, make sure you pick up and burst all the equipment on all floors before leaving floor 10.
If you are high enough level and see purple dots on the map, I recommend trying to kill those tough enemies, because doing so will increase your holy icons every time your equipment bursts. If you use the power leveling method, you won't have a hard time killing the enemies. However, they can still take down your HP, so make sure you have plenty of healing items. To ensure you can defeat them, make sure you have God Mode ready.
Before you start fighting them, I recommend that you have the following items ready:
Oracle Sui t-Activate before fighting the enemy and recover every time you are attacked. Hero Shiel d-Activate before fighting the enemy and counter every time you attack from the front. Great Hor n-Increase ATK. Samurai Ar m-Same as Hero Shield. Hover Clou d-If the HP is really low, use it to escape.
Not all of these are needed, but useful. While the helper is supporting me, I want to get the first blow and just fight with my opponent. When the HP is reduced, use God mode and use Sword of God in the last turn. If the enemy hits constantly, put a normal attack once before the effect is expired, and once a God's sword. If you do not have a hover cloud, fight near the entrance of the room where there is a strong enemy so that you can escape. Thankfully, the strong enemy is restrained in the room, so if you recover, you can go back and cut the HP.
Floor 20 or later status
Strong enemy 2 defeat Holy icon number AT K-22 +3 tiles, 34 +2 tiles DE F-7 +3 tiles, 37 +2 tiles HI T-8 +3 tiles, 18 +2 tiles SP D-13 +3 tiles, 13 +2 tiles Tile Lv60 (about 3 zombie grinds) (+3 gear 0 % equipment) Renya HP 837 ATK 1051 DEF 879 HIT 541 SPD 703 Croyel HP 831 ATK 1561 DEF 668 Hit 795 SPD 301
The Lenya gave the DEF and SPD icon, and the ATK and Hit icons were given to Croyel. If you think about it now, it wasn't necessary. On this floor, we recommend that you half the ATK and Hit icons with Renya and a helper.
Floor 21-30
This floor begins to acquire most of the sacred icons. Let's start over zombie leveling as much as possible. This time, any zombie should defeat any zombie with a single blow, so it's okay to be a little away. Watch out for board/ torn snails.
The enemy was about 0 damage at DEF2500.
Floor 30 or later status
Holy icon number AT K-80 +3, 5 +2 DE F-35 +3, 20 +2 Hi t-50 +3, 10 +2 SP D-20 +3, 5 +2 Lv104 Renya HP 2475 ATK 1988 DEF 4888 Hit 1270 SPD 1462 Creiel HP 1912 ATK 6567
This time, I had all Holy icons to Lenya.Floor 31-40
You don't need to power level that much anymore, but it's a good idea to burst anything that you think will burst so you can strengthen it when you get to the caravan. I did one zombie leveling, but it might be best to rush to floor 40 and burst your gear there. The enemies on floor 40 are level 130, so if you're lower level than that you can burst faster. Also, having a nearly full Divinigram will give you more stats.
5K DEF should be enough for this floor. In my case, I didn't need much DEF because Croyel had a very high ATK and killed everything in one hit.
Stats after floor 40
Number of Holy Icons ATK - 6 +3 tiles DEF - 6 +3 tiles Note: At this point, you get 6 icons per burst (1 base + 2 strong enemies defeated + 3 floor bonuses), so I only burst 2 this time! LV134 (near burst gear) Renya HP 4331 ATK 8790 DEF 11362 HIT 4193 SPD 2895 Croiel HP 2673 ATK 14695 DEF 2776 HIT 3388 SPD 625 Equipment Wooden Shield +9 Samurai Mask +5 Hero Shield +9 Brave Leg +7 Turtle Shell +7 Other random +3-+5 equipment.
Renya got the few Holy Icons I earned. If possible, you want to steal your partner's icons at this point to completely fill up Renya's Divinigram. Doing so will earn you the "Holy Icon God" trophy if you don't already have it. Don't forget to return the extra icons to your partner.Floors 41-50
At this point, you can stop power leveling and just rush through the last 10 floors. Along the way, kill enemies to increase your equipment's burst meter, but you don't have to. You'll also level up every 2-3 kills, so if your Divinigram is close to full, your stats will rise very quickly. You can also set your partner to "Fight as you see fit!" and have them kill while you search for the exit. Don't worry too much about your equipment being in burst mode, as your other reinforced gear will eventually make up for the stat loss. You should be fine with at least 7000 DEF for the first few floors, and around 10-11K DEF by the final floor. If you encounter hard hitters like Death King possessed enemies, beetles, or dragons, you'll need a bit more. In this case, keep a Wooden/Shell Shield on standby for extra DEF.
On the last floor, it is a good idea to burst all the Holy icons on hand to stock the Holy icon. However, the enemy level is 350, so make sure that you can easily defeat it before doing this.
If you're lucky, you may be able to find 4*equipment. I have found some on the irregular floor (burst down room). Be sure to burst if you have a chance.
This time, don't try to fight any strong enemy.
I defeated all the enemies I encountered and ended this operation at level 169.
Clear the floor 30F with Angel Helper Minamo (unfortunately no angel skill)
- 50F clear and holy artifact "mass production". You can get another one after clearing the dungeon again.
- You can also get all the sacred icons and items acquired in the dungeon.
- Fighting dungeon
At the beginning
The Marshall Arts (MA) dungeon is a dungeon that spends most of the play time. Find better equipment and be the key to becoming stronger. There are four dungeons, and each dungeon gradually becomes difficult and is added to the 50th floor, but you can get better equipment and rewards. At the end of each dungeon, a powerful boss is waiting.
There is a rest area for each 10th floor, where the amount of god summoning is refilled, and a general store and a blacksmith can be used. The general store sells holy artifacts, and blacksmiths can further strengthen the burst gear than regular blacksmiths. Each time the blacksmith is cleared, the level of enhanced equipment will be added one by one, so if the equipment is enhanced on the 10th floor, the 20th floors will be performed on the 20th floor, if you do it on the 20th floor, +5 on the 40th floor +5. You can strengthen the items in such a way.
General tips
Before starting a fighting dungeon, remove all the equipment of the unused angel partner.
- There are many items that recover EN, so you don't have to worry too much. Before going to the next floor, if you consume everything on the current floor, you'll be fine with EN.
- Let's keep God mode for flocking or encountering a strong enemy.
- Always bring a lot of money. If there are 50 million to 10 million, you can do everything you need immediately.
- If you encounter a strong enemy, don't fight it directly, just equip it with the equipment that gives you the highest ATK, switch to God mode, use Sword of God, and move forward.
- If you are using system data backup, make sure to save frequently.
- The first goal of dungeon strategy is to collect as many pieces of equipment with the highest number of stars as possible.
- Don't rely too much on one piece of equipment. Carry some spare equipment and strengthen it as you progress through the dungeon.
- If you are worried about dying, take Exit and Revive Gem. If you are thinking of fighting a boss, take 2-3.
- If you have a holy artifact, give Divinigram paralysis defense, stone defense, and sleep defense.
- Enemies other than zombies do not respawn, so it is usually a good idea to clear each floor before moving on.
- The most dangerous enemy combination in the dungeon in terms of attack power is the dragon, Medusa, and Death King. Death King can possess enemies and increase his damage. With the Dragon's massive damage and Medusa's petrification ability, if you get hit by a Dragon while petrified, it usually means death. The Deathking will try to possess the enemy immediately, so you will often be informed that the Deathking is on the floor. If you get possessed by a Dragon, Bahamut, or Tiamat, play pretty conservatively and if you do encounter a Dragon, make use of your Wood/Shell Shield skills.
- Another deadly enemy combination is the Triceramunches/Tricera Crunchies and Mantas. The Triceras will make you drop your equipment and inventory, and the Mantas will turn them into Apple Cores. If you spot Triceras, attack them as a priority.
- When you get to the Caravan area, buy all the Holy Artifacts at the General Store. Don't just buy one or two. Buy until you can't buy any more.
- If there is any equipment you want to keep, equip your standby partner when you get to the Caravan area.
- The main stats to look at are ATK, HIT, and DEF. SPD is pretty useless, HP is useful but not very easy to increase.
- Useful equipment to bring:
- Brave/Thief Legs - Destroy/avoid traps respectively. Cat Ears - Shows all enemies on the map. Hover Cloud - Warps you to another area on the map. Useful when surrounded. Oracle Legs - Avoids status effects for a few turns. Hero Helmet - Gains more EXP for each kill.
As a general rule, keep the following holy artifacts in your Divinigram:
- Demon Souls Mass Production Ability Boost: S, M, L HP, ATK, DEF, SPD, HIT Booster
Before facing a boss, set the following artifacts in your Divinigram. Set the Holy Icon so that it can be removed and replaced at any time.
Full Power Violence Hunger Sniper Practice Swing
Marshal Dungeon (Beginner)
Enemy strength increases significantly from floor 30 onwards. 3* items start appearing from floor 40 onwards.
+0: Lv200 Buddha, Lv180 Kobold, Lv180 Kobolder, Lv180 Koboldest +10: Lv620 Buddha, Lv560 Kobold, Lv560 Kobolder, Lv560 Koboldest Boss HP +0: approx. 20000 HP +10: approx. 135K
Buddha's attack range
x xxx x x xxxbxxx x x x x x x x x x
Don't be surprised if you get killed in one hit on your first encounter. This is just the game telling you what to expect from an optional boss.
As for how to fight him, you'll probably want to be in near burst mode with a full set of +19 2* gear, or nearly burst mode with 3* gear enhanced to +10 before taking on this enemy. If you go into God mode and use the "God Sword", you'll have a good chance of killing the kobold, and hopefully the next attack will kill him. If you have a revive gem, you can survive being hit, and hopefully land the hit you need to finish him off.
When you kill him, you'll get the Nature Set. It's a pretty good set, and one of the items can provide 4 stats naturally.
Martial Arts Dungeon (Intermediate)
MA: Unlocked when you reach floor 40 of the beginner dungeon.
You'll need petrification resistance for this dungeon. There are a lot of Medusa variants, so you'll be wiped out easily without resistance. This will also apply to future MA dungeons.
I think 4* items will appear around floor 50.
+0: Lv200 Buddha, Lv180 Kobold, Lv180 Kobolder, Lv180 Koboldest +10: Lv620 Buddha, Lv560 Kobold, Lv560 Kobolder, Lv560 Koboldest Boss HP +0: approx. 20000 HP +10: approx. 135K
Hades' Attack Range
This is the easiest of the Warrior bosses. The main reason is that his attack range is limited to the 8 panels around him. Kill the minions with God Mode and Sword of God, then just keep hitting him with range skills. If you have an attack power of about 100, 000, you should be able to kill him without being hit even once.
When you defeat him, you will get a full set of 1*Hades. Unfortunately, it's the worst as the boss.
Fighting dungeon (advanced)
MA: Unlocked when reaching the intermediate dungeon floor 80.
5*items appear from 50 floors or more.
+0: Lv200 Buddha, Lv180 Kobold, Lv180 Kobolder, Lv180 Koboldest +10: Lv620 Buddha, Lv560 Kobold, Lv560 Kobolder, Lv560 Koboldest Boss HP +0: approx. 20000 HP +10: approx. 135K
Zeus's attack range
While defeating the minion, you can use the cliffs to stop the attack. If you are lucky, you can activate the God mode as Zeus is trying to jump off the cliff, attack three times and defeat Zeus.
If you defeat him, you will get a 1*omnipotent set. This set is pretty good, so if you go to the cosplay shop, let's stock up the high version of ☆.
Fighter dungeon (EX advanced)
MA: Unlocked when reaching the hig h-end dungeon floor 120. The number of floors is 200!
Important: If you want to challenge the boss, bring a revive gem! It is possible to defeat it when you enter the dungeon for the first time, but if you want to survive a confrontation with the boss, you must have it because it is likely to be killed in a single blow regardless of DEF. Five are enough, 10 are overkill. Revive gems can only be purchased at total level shops. You need 400 levels at a time (you don't need to worry about doing this because the total level that affects the basic status does not decrease). If you want to finish this dungeon once, bring as much as you can buy a revive gem.
Preparation for advanced dungeons
Finally, you have unlocked the most difficult dungeon, but you may be worried about how to prepare.
There are several ways, depending on your lon g-term goal:
Difficult but how to end in a short tim e-When you first enter, clear all the 200th floor and end.
- Easy but long wa y-proceed to a dungeon to a certain point, then get out of the dungeon, make an excessive preparation, and then steam everything.
- I want to do the following in both methods:
Make at least +5 of the Divinigram icon.
- Set Divinigram so that you can always use burst down, violent hanger, Adidfang, Practice Swing or Sniping, Full Power.
- Place the burst down on the devinigram and point the four God Energy there. Place EXP Booster and point the remaining two GOD Energies.
- In the current tile setup, the six God Energy obtained from the above artifacts should be used later to swing and sniping practice.
- Bring at least 5 revive gems. If you want to clear it at once, 10 or more. The more gems, the higher the winning rate.
- If you have a surplus space before entering the dungeon, fill it with a dive or revive gem.
- Until the title becomes "Chogokin God", place the Devinigram mainly with the DEF icon. ATK and Hit are raised to about +400, and SPDs can be ignored except to put a specific Holy icon.
- It is also effective to do the EX-6 first, pause the save in the boss battle and get a 6*large sword.
- Make one of the complete synthesized 5*items and a complete synthesis 6*one large sword (complete synthesis is to synthesize three 5*+69 items and give status to ATK, DEF, and Hit). Strengthen these to about +50. The large sword can be enhanced from+70 to 80.
- Let's start after all items contribute to Hit, ATK, and DEF.
- If you capture the dungeon, there will be much problem except for the dragon match. If you don't have enough damage, use "violent hunger".
- Once you reach the last 10 floors, remove the burst down and set the practice swing, sniping, violent hanger, and full power down. In the case of the equipment on the verge of burst, with the burst down on the burst, turn the extra two threads into the practitis swing.
- Before entering the floor 200, make sure that EN is 0 % and that God mode is activating. I pray for good luck.
- Execute multiple time s-The idea is the same as the way to execute it once, but there is something to do:
Stock 6*items in the first run. Ends when the inventory is full.
- Burst 6*multiple times to acquire +6 Holy icon and strengthen to +99. Synthesize 3 +99 to 6*gears to be used.
- This dungeon is a little different from other dungeons. This time, a random floor with a nice function of Lesson 3, 4, 8, and 9 will appear randomly. Do you remember 100 hours ago? If you don't remember, let's wake up your memory:
Lesson 3-Wide Open Area Lesson 4-Lesson 8-Moving Platform 9-Switch and Water level
Fortunately, this is about this. Please thank ZHP's 20th floor dungeon, so there was a worse danger (such as lava floor).
6*Items begin to appear around the 80th floor. Be sure to get it!
On the last 10th floor are Medusa, Bahamut, Helk Beatle and Hayagliva. Yeah, it's fun.
Recommended artifact before playing with the boss
Violent hanger full power sniping practice swing + Added fangs
(Six God Energy are directed to snipings or practice swings. Sniping has a smaller number of turns to set up, so it is better to use it. If you really want to overkill, use Practice Swings. Ou.)
Have an accelerator. Fight after confirming that the God mode meter is full and EN is 0 %.
It is not particularly necessary, but it will be insurance:
CQC Avoidance RANGED Avoidance
Ultimate boss
+0: Prince Lv6500 Prince Yamato, Lv6000 Dragon, Lv6000 Bahamut, Lv6000 Tiamat 10: Lv9999 Prince Yamato, Lv9999 Bahamut, Lv9999 Tiamat boss HP +0: 340 million
Prince Yamato's attack range
The boss is vulnerable to the wind and resists physical skills. You can also move 2 squares per turn.
Even if the DEF (99, 999, 999), it will cause 14 to 18 million damage with physical strength +0. Of course, if it becomes+10, you will be beaten more.
Once to the left, go down the accelerator, go to God mode, and use Sword of God. If the recommended artifact is setup and the god mode ATK is 99, 999, 999, if all six God energy is used to sniping, at least his +0 version will be able to defeat him. When fighting the 10th edition, it is necessary to have an ATK bonus + 180 % or more by practice swing and sniping to kill.
If you use a practice swing setup, move to the left once, step on the accelerator, attack with the X button, and store the practice swing. If you are convinced that you have sufficient boost, show off hell in God mode.
When you defeat him, you will get a 1*Prince set with the highest status in the game.
Advanced game play
In this section, we will explain in detail the mechanism of the game and how to fully use them.
Gratch / Exploit
System data backup
If you have any problems during dungeon capture, you can reload the progress. The following work is required for that:
Suspend save.
- Do not load save data. Finish the game and move to the XMB SaveD Data Utility folder.
- Copy the file "The GuideD Fate Paradox System Data" to the USB memory or if you join the PlayStation Plus. Basically, select a file, press the triangle button, select a copy, and copy it to the online storage or USB according to the copy destination.
- If you die or want to reload to the previous point, overwrite the system data file in the save folder with copied system data.
- If you launch the game again, you can see that you can load the suspend save again.
- At this time, you do not need to copy the actual game save. You can also use the same system data file copied many times.
- Infinite EN Grich
This bug prevents EN from being exhausted at the start of the dungeon. To do this, the following is required:
Apply energy saver to the Divinigram of Angel Helper.
- Enter the dungeon, walk a few steps, and use the exit.
- Remove the energy saver.
- If you are lucky, when you enter the next dungeon, EN will not be exhausted every 10 turns.
- Remember that there is no guarantee that this trick will always work, and you need to try more than 10 times before it actually works. Even if you throw an enemy, EN is exhausted. If the EN does not fall even if O + X does not fall, it can be judged that this trick has been successful. This trick can be used in hybrids, but is limited to the first Divinigram in Renya, taking more places.
Irregular floor
The irregular floor appears randomly on the floor other than the boss. Basically, it is a green portal, displayed in a red square on the mini map. If you have played Disgaia, you'll feel like a mystery gate in the item world.
Irregular floor
function | Cosplay shop |
You can purchase all cosplay equipment. Cosplay equipment boasts to p-class status in the game! | Holy icon shop |
A shop where you can buy Holy icons from 1 to+6. However, the number is limited. | Gold club |
There are many gold clubs in this room. Note that after a few turns, you will be driven out by Kamikaze. | Apple club |
There are many Apple clubs in this room. Defeat the Apple Club and drop Apple items. | God boost |
God mode meter is full | Revival shop |
Revive the fallen partner | Healing shop |
Heal yourself and your partner. It will be revived when the partner is KO. | Item shop |
There is one room with a cactus shop. | Holy Artifact Shop |
There is one room with a cactus shop that sells holy artifacts. These Holy Artifacts occupy the inventorlot when purchased, automatically deleted from the inventor when entering the caravan floor or out of the dungeon, and moved to Holy Artifact stockpile. | Burst up |
There are red crystals scattered on the floor, and attacking them will burst a random piece of equipment. | Burst Down |
There are green crystals scattered around, and attacking them will reset the burst meter of a random piece of equipment to 0%. | Enemy Swarm |
One type of monster (all Medusas, all Zombies, etc.) will appear in the room. There will also be one Gold Crab somewhere on the floor. | Gift Shop |
You will get a random Total Level Shop item. | Blacksmith |
The Blacksmith can strengthen items. Item leveling follows the same pattern as the blacksmith in the normal MA dungeon. | Angel Skill |
Refills all uses of Angel Skill. | EXP Double |
Experience gained on the next floor is doubled. | Stats Boost |
A random stat is increased on the next floor. | Status Room |
All enemies on the next floor will be poisoned or asleep. | *The rank of the cosplay shop varies depending on the MA dungeon. Beginner and intermediate dungeons sell rank 1-2 equipment, advanced dungeons sell rank 3-4 equipment, and EX advanced dungeons sell rank 5-6 equipment. This does not change depending on the floor or enemy strength. |
Farm Area
Early in the game, the best way to make money is lesson 10, where enemies are +10 strong, not lesson 8 (by the way, lesson 8 clones are +10 and give 3-3. 5K per kill, which is pretty pathetic at this stage). However, you need a weapon called Paw Paws. Go to floors 7-9 and kill everything with the Paw Paws effect on it. Set your companion to "Don't move a step!" or don't get killed and denied the money drop. Most enemies will drop $20, 000-30, 000. Especially the treasure clubs, which can drop up to 100, 000 yen, so you want to kill them. Once you've cleared floor 9, use Exit and do the same thing over and over again. It's also a good idea to save up your Total Levels.
In the latter half of the game, put the Demon Soul artifact into your and your partner's Divinigram, and go around the martial arts dungeons and defeat as many enemies as possible. It seems that Demon Soul depends on the enemy's HP, so it's a good idea to increase the enemy's HP to +10.
In Advanced/EX In Advanced, you can earn more money than you can spend just by defeating enemies with Demon Soul equipped.
Total Level
I think there is no better place to level up quickly than chapter 10. As always, set enemy strength to +10. Set your partner to "Fight as you like!" and equip them with at least 3* gear, then let them do whatever they want. Use exit when your partner clears and repeat. You should be able to gain 20-30 levels in one go without EXP boosters.
If you don't care about automating your power leveling or using glitches, just install a deep sinker and put all 6 god energies into it, then do the infinite EN glitch. Head to floor 10 of a cleared dungeon and find a room with only one hallway. Have your helper say "Don't move!" and guard the single path leading to the room, then hold O+X. This way you can eventually reach level 9999. I don't know how long it will take to reach level 9999 this way, but if you hold down O+X and tape down and go to sleep, you'll be there when you wake up.
Holy Icon
You'll need the Burst Up and Mass Production holy artifacts for this, and preferably have all the Angel Helpers unlocked.
- Basically, you'll want to do the following:
- Install Mass Production and Burst Up on one character (or set Divinigram for easy installation if you don't want to use Burst Up too early).
- Equip Renya and all of your helpers with Star Gear that you're going to farm Holy Icon for.
- Set Divinigram to Capacity Up with all God Energy:
- Set Capacity Up: L, then Capacity Up: S and Capacity Up: M:
- This will give you 64 item slots.
- Fill your inventory with dives.
Dive to 60+ floors of mid-level dungeons, killing stuff every now and then to level up.
When you arrive at the caravan on floor 60, add all the helper's equipment to your inventory. Direct all God Energy to Burst Up.
Start Burst Up from the next floor. Make sure that the person with Mass Production does the Burst Up.
If you don't want to use Dive that much, you can run the dungeon normally with Mass Production installed, but you will get fewer Holy Icons in the early stages.
When you arrive at the caravan, be sure to strengthen the bursting items and continue bursts with people wearing mas s-produced artifacts before arriving at the next caravan area. The more mas s-produced artifacts, the more you go to the deeper floor, the more you go to the deeper floor, the more Holy Icons you have one bursted item! On the 91-100 floors, you can get 11 icons in one burst. On the floor after this, the burst up with six God energy will increase the burst. Depending on the number of items you brought, you may be able to fully fill the Divinigram of all characters with only Holy icons available in one burst.
In order to burst more equipment, you can set some equipment to Divine summoning, and summon the set when there are many enemies around.
Setup of Divalram
This section describes Divinigram in more detail. Understanding how Divinigram works and how to fully demonstrate its potential is the key to challenging the second attack.
To bring out the true power of Divinigram, the tile unlock is the key. To unlock more tiles, you need to get a total level.
The Holy icon is used to fill the Divinigram so that you can put Holy Artifacts. If the Holy Artifact is not placed on the Holy icon, the basic status will increase depending on the color of the icon.
When choosing a tile to be placed in the devinigram, use the focus only on ATK, DEF, and Hit, and use the SPD icon only when it is necessary for artifacts or when you want to obtain a specific title. The emphasis is on ATK in the early stages, and DEF at the end of the game.
At the beginning of the game, you should unlock all God Energy and open a clear path to boost Holy Artifacts. The artifact's "Equip Booster" is quite excellent, so if you want to focus on one item power up, you should use it.
When you enter a post game, focus on collecting all Holy Artifacts and collecting a large amount of items. For this reason, Demon Soul, Capacity Up: L: L is mas s-produced. For God Energy, Equip: L artifact. Also, if you find "Booster Name (put here)" artifact, let's use it.
By the later game you should have all the artifacts and be ready to tackle the toughest dungeons. The artifacts you want are Burst Down, Stat Booster, Violent Hunger, Full Power, EXP Booster, Capacity Up: L, Demon Soul, and Mass Production. Use these artifacts for the mid-level dungeons and check the tutorial dungeons for recommended artifacts for the EX Advanced dungeons.
Make Powerful Items
To start off, let's assume you just want to make gear to survive the toughest dungeons.
Most of the time you don't need to synthesize super powerful items to beat everything in this game. A 6* item made by synthesizing 5* items will beat everything.
It's only when you reach EX-6 and Marshal EX Advanced dungeons that you really need to synthesize.
See this thread http://www. gamefaqs. com/boards/680713-the-guided-fate-paradox/67952801.
These are the items you want to stock up on for better synthesis results. Items marked with are cosplay items.
You need to get as many of these items with the highest star rating as possible. Pause your save on floor x0 of the dungeon and look in the general store. If they have these items, buy them. You only need 2-3 synthesis materials.
If you happen to come across a cosplay shop, you've hit the jackpot. Buy all of the items listed with the highest star rating.
Synthesis Parts
Head (mainly HP and HIT)
Mushroom Hat (HP, DEF, HIT) Witch Hat (HP, ATK, HIT) Gas Mask (HP, DEF, HIT) Shaggy Beard (HP, DEF, HIT) Viking (HP, ATK, DEF) Samurai Mask (HP, ATK, HIT) Almighty Helmet (HP, ATK, HIT) Prince Helmet (HP, ATK, HIT) Nature Helmet (HP, ATK, HIT) Princess Wig (HP, ATK, HIT)
Arms (mainly ATK)
Hero Shield (ATK, DEF) Spiked Knuckles (ATK, HIT) Gloves (ATK, HIT) Robot Arm (HP, ATK) Princess Arm* (HP, ATK) Fairy Tail Arm* (ATK, HIT) Zombie Arm* (ATK, DEF) Mantis Sickle (ATK, HIT)
Leg (mainly grants ATK and DEF)
Turtle Leg (HP, DEF) Yoshitsuna Leg (HP, DEF) Gunner Leg (HIT, DEF) Out of Body XP (HIT, DEF) Almighty Leg* (HP, DEF) Nature Leg* (HIT, DEF) Cinder Skirt* (HIT, DEF) Princess Skirt* (HP, DEF)
Other (mainly grants HP)
Aureole (HP, ATK, DEF) Flowing Cape (HP, ATK, DEF) Cloth (HP, ATK, DEF) Backpack (HP, ATK, DEF) Almighty Suit* (HP, ATK, DEF) Prince Armor* (HP, ATK, DEF) Nature Suit* (HP, ATK, HIT, SPD) Cinder Dad* (HP, DEF, HIT) Princess Dad* (HP, ATK, DEF)
Next, you need to choose a "Master Item". A "Master Item" is the equipment you will ultimately use, and is the equipment that will be used to synthesize all of your synthesis materials. These are chosen with an emphasis on skills rather than stats. Recommended items are:
Head - Great Horn, Hero's Helmet, Samurai Mask, Angel Halo, Cat Ears, Almighty Helm
Arms - 2 staves (with A-rank double divine skill with no attribute), 2 axes (with S-rank double divine skill with slash), 2 guns (can hit the most targets), Shell/Wooden Shield
Legs - Yoshituna, Brave Legs, Oracle Legs
Other - Caribbean Suit, Oracle Suit
To synthesize a strong item, you need to strengthen the components to the maximum level and burst them. Synthesize the burst components into a master item and you're done. All you have to do is strengthen the master item, and there will be a big difference in the stats you get as the level approaches the maximum.
SPD is almost useless, so I've omitted items that increase this stat. HP is not that useless, but it's difficult to increase and won't be much use in boss battles. However, I recommend that you increase the HP of your final gear to some extent, since it will save you some revive gems when you actually do an EX run.
Below is my recommended synthesis gear. I'll leave the master items to you. This gear is synthesized to challenge all MA:EX Advanced dungeons on the first try, which means you have access to MA:Advanced and can get 5* items, so I will leave out cosplay items if possible. Unless otherwise noted, you should collect 5* versions of the items listed.
Head 1/2 mushroom hat/gas mask/bushy beard 1/2 witch hat/samurai hat
Arms (you will need 2 sets of the items listed) 1 hero shield 1 mantis sickle/gloves/spiked knuckles 1 robot arm, you can replace it with another hero shield if you don't think you need the HP.
Leg One Out-of-Body EXP/Gunner Leg ATK and DEF 2 of your Legs (most Legs give this)
Misc 1 Nature Suit (4* is fine) 2 Aureole/Flowing Cape/Backpack/Cloth | Basically, you level these items up to their maximum level, burst them (+69 for 5* items, +49 for 4* items), and synthesize them into a master item. Now you have items that contribute to important stats (ATK, DEF, HIT). Then just buff them and you're good to go. | God Skill/Item List | Here is a list of all the God Skills and the items you need to activate them. | To register a skill in your Divine Skill Book, you must set animation to ON. Unfortunately, skills do not play automatically the first time they are activated. What skills are available is determined solely by what you have on at the time. |
Headgear Skills | Skill Name | 30 | Equipment Name | |
SP Cost | Power | 30 | C | Special Functions |
Dirt Dive | Drill Head | 20 | A | Dive to Ground |
Prinny March | Prinny Hat | 30 | Gives Confuse or Forget. | |
Scissor Bind | Scissor Hat | 10 | Pick up enemies | |
Burst Horn | Great Horn | 50 | Increases ATK for a few turns | |
Vision Star | Lantern | 40 | Increases field of vision | |
Carrot Therapy | Tasty Carrot | 30 | HP Recovery | |
Peach Dance | Flower | 30 | C | Induces sleep |
Lamaze Technique | Gas Mask | 20 | Decreases enemy hit rate for a few turns | |
6-inch Drop | 6-inch Drop | 30 | Probability of paralyzing enemies | |
Magic Veil | Ribbon | 30 | Decreases damage from male enemies for a few turns | |
Cat Ears | Cat Ears | 30 | C | Show all enemies on minimap (current floor only) |
Para Murder | Zombie Hat | 30 | E | Paralyzes enemies |
Binding | King Tut Helm | 25 | Paralyzes enemies | |
Bow Head | Feudal Hair | 10 | Damages and reduces all stats | |
Happy Skull | Skull Face | 30 | Redirects enemies to another location | |
Full Analysis | Analysis Scope | 50 | Can see enemy weaknesses | |
Tuna Rule | Tuna Head | 20 | A | |
Increases SPD for a few turns | Angel Heal | 20 | Angel Halo | |
HP within range Heals | Tiara Attack | 10 | Tiara | |
Surprise Virus | Mushroom Hat | 30 | Poisons, paralyzes, and puts enemies to sleep. | |
Rock Craft | Snake Hair | 20 | C | Create a Spring |
Justice Knee | Horse Mask | 20 | Attracts enemies | |
1, 000 Spikes | Fluffy Beard | 20 | Dazzles enemies | |
Showtime | Top Hat | 20 | A | |
Confuses enemies | God's Best Jig | 30 | Hannya Mask | |
Increases ATK vs. women for a few turns | Angelic Finale | 20 | A | |
Haro | Amigo | 20 | A | |
Amigo Hat | Decreases enemy ATK and HIT for a few turns | 30 | Punch | |
Viking | Strike | 20 | Fluffy Hat | |
Lock-on | Gunner Helm | 20 | Increases HIT for a few turns | |
Concentrate | Witch Hat | 20 | Increases fire/wind/water attribute attack power for a few turns | |
Like the Wind | Samurai Mask | 20 | A | Adds a normal attack for a few turns |
Awakening | Hero's Helmet | 20 | Increases EXP when defeating enemies for a few turns | |
Drop Anchor | Caribbean Head | 20 | Slows down enemies | |
Healing Prayer | Oracle Head | 20 | Increases HP recovery for several turns | |
Thief Eye | Thief Head | 30 | A | |
Displays all traps in the current room | Pyram Force | 30 | Hades Mask | |
Fastly fills the Burst Gauge for several turns | Zeus Rugby | 20 | Almighty Helm | |
Gate Creation | Prince Helmet | 20 | A | |
Creates a portal | Mandala Bomb | 20 | A |
Nature Helmet
Misc 1 Nature Suit (4* is fine) 2 Aureole/Flowing Cape/Backpack/Cloth | Basically, you level these items up to their maximum level, burst them (+69 for 5* items, +49 for 4* items), and synthesize them into a master item. Now you have items that contribute to important stats (ATK, DEF, HIT). Then just buff them and you're good to go. | God Skill/Item List | Here is a list of all the God Skills and the items you need to activate them. | To register a skill in your Divine Skill Book, you must set animation to ON. Unfortunately, skills do not play automatically the first time they are activated. What skills are available is determined solely by what you have on at the time. |
Arm Gear Skills | Skill Name | 20 | C | |
Equipment Name | SP Cost | 20 | C | Power |
Special Function | Accuracy, Accuracy, Accuracy | 20 | C | |
Hammer Arm | Rocky Upper | 20 | C | |
Gigant Rock | Knocks the enemy three spaces away | 20 | A | |
Ratatatatata | Gatling Gun | 20 | C | Free Fall |
Rocket Punch | Slappy Cut | 20 | C | |
Chainsaw | Slash | 20 | C | Dragon Claw |
Pushes the enemy back one space and occupies that space. | Hey | 30 | C | Dragon Claw |
Spin Drill | Drilling Arm | 10 | Pushes the enemy one space back. | |
Spiky Punch | Spiky Arm | 10 | E | Kicks enemies back one space. |
Catch and Move | Robot Arm | 20 | C | |
Moves towards target. | Hook Shot | 10 | Chain Hook | |
Damages target and moves them towards you. | Psycho Beam | 20 | A | Blaster |
Lucky Lure | Paw | 20 | A | |
Guaranteed to make defeated enemies drop money for several turns | Quick Charge | 20 | C | |
Plug Knuckle | Kicks enemies back 2 spaces | 20 | C | |
Fire Fist | Flame Gauntlet | 30 | C | |
Lotus Flower | Ice Gauntlet | 20 | B | |
Thunder Ball | Thunder Fist | 20 | A | |
Thousand Eyes | Evil Eye Arm | 20 | E | Pivot Catch |
Stretch Arm | Sickle Scatter | 20 | A | |
Mantis Scythe | Comet Upper | 20 | D | |
Ratatatatata | Can pick up enemies | 30 | A | |
Star Knuckle | Spike Knuckle | 20 | A | |
Flamethrower | Burner Arm | 20 | A | |
Slash | Arm Blade | 30 | A | |
Death Snatcher | Cursed Hand | 20 | C | |
RP | Scissor Hand | 20 | A | |
Nail 'Em Down | Pile Bunker | 20 | A | Missile Volley |
Arm Missile | 0cm Chain Shot | 20 | Gunner Arm | |
Devilish Gun | Witch Hand | 20 | C | |
Kicks enemies back 2 spaces. Like Fire | Samurai Arm | 30 | C | |
Can withstand frontal attacks for several turns | Critical Hit | 20 | A | Brave Arm |
Anchor Wave | Caribbean Arm | 20 | A | Priestly Punch |
Oracle Arm | Pushes enemies back 2 spaces. Prevents zombies from resurrecting. | 20 | B | Quick Swipe |
Thief Arm | Steals an item from an enemy. | 20 | C | |
Soul Balancer | Hades Arm | 20 | C | |
When 2 enemies are within the effect area, they switch places. | Wrath of God | 20 | C | |
Almighty Arm | Hydra Summon | 20 | C | |
Gate Creation | Mirror Coat | 20 | A | |
Prince Shield | Buddhist Thunder | 20 | A | |
Nature Arm | Cinderella Slap | 20 | A | |
Creates a portal | Zombie Effort | 20 | A | |
Zombie Arm | Creator Punch | 10 | C | Youth Arm |
Princess Crush | Princess Arm | 20 | D | |
Single Slash | Dagger | 20 | C | |
Move to attack starting tile | Slash | 20 | C | |
Long Sword | Sword Choppin' | 20 | C | |
Great Sword | Swing Load | 30 | B | Dragon Claw |
Phantom Stab | Javelin | 25 | E | Dragon Claw |
Feather Lance | May push enemies back 1 space. | 30 | C | |
Big Spin | Hand Axe | 30 | C | |
Pushes enemies back one space. | Boomerang Axe | 20 | E | |
Battle Axe | Life Lob 5 | 20 | E | |
Blaze Axe | Fire | 20 | E | |
Fire Wand | Wind | 10 | E | |
Wind Staff | Frost | 20 | C | |
Ice Staff | Spiral Shot | 30 | C | |
Pistol | Spin Cocking | 30 | Shotgun | |
Thick Laser | RQ-44 | 30 | Shotgun | |
Wooden Shield | Increases DEF for several turns. | 20 | Gunner Arm |
Shell Shield
Misc 1 Nature Suit (4* is fine) 2 Aureole/Flowing Cape/Backpack/Cloth | Basically, you level these items up to their maximum level, burst them (+69 for 5* items, +49 for 4* items), and synthesize them into a master item. Now you have items that contribute to important stats (ATK, DEF, HIT). Then just buff them and you're good to go. | God Skill/Item List | Here is a list of all the God Skills and the items you need to activate them. | To register a skill in your Divine Skill Book, you must set animation to ON. Unfortunately, skills do not play automatically the first time they are activated. What skills are available is determined solely by what you have on at the time. |
Skill Name | Equipment Name | 20 | C | SP Cost |
Power | Special Function | 20 | D | Tank Drop |
Tank mk2 | If you defeat an enemy with this technique, you will occupy the tile the enemy was on. | 20 | D | Jet Fire |
Prinny Jet | Can be used without targeting an enemy. Moves in the direction of the attack. | 30 | D | Runaway Car |
Death Car | Swap positions with enemy | 20 | D | Needle Rain |
Scorpion Body | Poison enemy | 20 | Darkness Dash | |
Bike | Occupy open tile behind enemy | 20 | B | Smoke Armor |
Hovercraft | Enemy cannot target for several turns | 40 | Iron Robe | |
Turtle Legs | Move and push enemy out | 20 | D | Smoke Armor |
Hover Cloud | Warp to random location on map | 30 | D | |
High Boost | Striker | 20 | C | SP Cost |
Missile Launch | Foot Missile | 20 | Low Swing | |
Quadrilegs | If enemy is killed with this move, occupy the tile enemy was on | 20 | D | Jet Fire |
Out of Body XP | Confuses enemies | 30 | Flying Craft | |
UFO | Swap positions with enemies | 20 | Swan Dance | |
White Swan | Decreases enemy accuracy for several turns | 40 | S | |
Acceleration | Acceleration | 20 | B | Smoke Armor |
Ship Cannon | Yoshitsuna | 20 | D | |
Rapid Current | Mermaid Legs | 30 | Redirects enemies to another location | |
Impossible | Gunner Legs | 20 | Hasty Feather | |
Witch Legs | Increases SPD for several turns | 20 | Mountainesque | |
Samurai Legs | Increases DEF for each attack without moving. | 20 | Trap Trapper | |
Brave Legs | Automatically destroys traps when stepped on. | 20 | Anchor Hold | |
Caribbean Legs | Prevents knockback for several turns | 20 | Prevention | |
Oracle Legs | Prevents abnormal conditions for several turns. | 10 | Trap avoidance | |
Sea Leg | Does not activate even if you step on a trap | 20 | Counter Warp | |
Yomi no Hokage | Automatically moves to the back of an enemy approaching from the front | 20 | C | |
Godly Leap | Almighty Leg | 20 | C | |
Gate Creation | Heavenly Stamp | 20 | A | |
Creates a portal | God's Iron Leg | 20 | A |