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Civy Risation VI
IntOctober 21, 2016 MacOSIntOctober 24, 2016 LinaxIntFebruary 9, 2017 iOSIntDecember 21, 2017 Nintendo SwitchIntNovember 16, 2018 Xbox One, PlayStation 4IntNovember 22, 2019 [1] AndroidIntAugust 13, 2020 [2]
To Wikipedia Civy Risation VISidmayer Shivilization VI (Sid Meier's Civilization VI, Civ6 for short) is a tur n-based strategy 4X game of the "Civilization" series released in 2016. The lead producer is Dennis Shark and the lead designer is Ed Beach.
Rise and Fall, the first extension pack of the game, was released on February 8, 2018. The second expansion pack "GATHERING STORM" was released on February 14, 2019. Six DLC packs called New Frontier Pass were released from May 2020 to March 2021. In November 2022, the first series of six DLC packs, called the leader path, was released, and a new pack was released every month until March 2023.
table of contents
- Differences from 1 Civolisation V
- 2 civilization and leader
- 3 districts
- 4 Wonderful
- 5 Amazing of nature
- 6 city nation
- 6. 1 Special envoy
- 7. 1 Policy card
- 7. 2 government
- 7. 3 additional slots
- 8. 1 Pantheon
- 10. 1 Extended pack
- 10. 2 DLC
- 10. 3 New Frontier Pass
- 10. 4 Leader Pass
Difference from Civy Risation V
- A new game engine was adopted, supporting the cycle of the day and night and the rotation of the camera.
- Cities have occupied multiple tiles, and can be expanded by building "districts" on the tiles on the border of the city. Wonder is also built on tiles, not the city itself.
- The growth of the city is suppressed by the indicator of the "house" increased by improving a specific building, fresh water, and tiles. Happiness is calculated again for each city and can be improved by accumulating amenities.
- Workers were replaced by the builder to complete their work, but the number of uses is limited.
- Civic is studied in the Civic Tree in parallel with the conventional science and technology tree. Advance in this tree is made through culture instead of science.
- A "Boost" mechanic was added: "Eureka Moment" and "Inspiration" accelerate the research time of technologies and civic trees, respectively. Most technologies and civics have goals related to their theme, which when achieved will trigger a Eureka Moment or Inspiration, significantly reducing the research time required. For example, developing a coastal city will evoke a Eureka Moment for sailing.
- Governments are back. Governments can be further customized by combining various policy cards unlocked through the Civic Tree.
- Diplomacy evolves over time. The developers quote Theodore Roosevelt, saying that "As civilizations develop, war ceases to be the normal state of diplomatic relations."
- Espionage and gossip become the primary means of finding out about the activities of rival civilizations.
- The Great Works system returns from Brave New World with improvements.
- Religion is back and more complex than ever. Religious buildings can be built on holy sites. The Inquisition can have a more prominent role in the game. A unit called Apostles has been added. A new religious victory condition has been introduced.
- Support units like battering rams and anti-aircraft guns can be stacked with other types of units.
- Civilian units can be escorted and protected by military units in some cases, as well as moved quickly.
- Combat has been changed to allow for combining into more powerful units through the use of formations. Starting with the Industrial Era, two land units can be combined to form a "corps" with increased combat power. In the Modern Era, a third unit can be added to form an "army". Similarly, naval units can be combined into "fleets" and "fleets".
- Roads are automatically built along trade routes.
- Ships can be built not only in city centers, but also in port districts. This allows inland cities close enough to the sea to build ships!
- Unique bonuses have been added to great people. This is a mechanic like the "founding fathers" in "Colonization".
- AI players now follow an agenda. Each civilization leader has a historical agenda that determines their playstyle, and also a random hidden agenda that can be found out through espionage, which can be pretty much anything goes.
- Barbarians become more organized, sending out scouts and planning raids on cities.
- City-states return, each with unique bonuses to their Szerai.
- Leaders now have their own bonuses in addition to those provided by their civilization.
- Civilization VI is the first Civilization game to have DLC after all expansion packs have been released.
About Civilization & Leaders [ ]
Main article Civilization (Civ6) Main article Leaders (Civ6)Currently, the base game includes 19 civilizations. This includes the Aztec civilization, which was officially added 90 days after launch. The Nintendo Switch version includes these 19 civilizations, as well as all civilizations from the first four DLC packs.
Each civilization has three unique components: a unit, a piece of infrastructure (such as a building, district, or tile improvement), and an ability. In addition, each leader has their own unique abilities and also their own agenda that shapes their playstyle and diplomatic personality when controlled by the AI. Abilities are multifaceted, and some of the leader abilities include additional unique units and unique infrastructure, giving you two civilizations in total, or even unique projects.
Civilizations Leaders Civilization Abilities Unique Units Unique Infrastructure USA Teddy Roosevelt [3] Founding Father Government heritage bonuses accumulate over half the number of turns.
All foreign policy slots of the current government are converted to wildcard slots.
All foreign policy slots of the current government are converted to wildcard slots.
+Current government foreign policy slots are converted to wildcard slots.
When the next Great Prophet is requested, you automatically receive the last Great Prophet (unless you have already acquired it by other means).
+1 Science for each foreign city following the Arabian religion.
+3 Housing in coastal cities.
Constructing a Pasture creates a culture bomb, claiming surrounding tiles.
Campus, Commercial Center, Holy Site, and Theatre Square districts have a +1 yield on tiles with Attractive Appeal and a +3 yield on tiles with Breathtaking Appeal.
Builder Charges can be spent to complete 20% of a district's production cost.
Eureka instantly unlocks each technology. -50% Science per turn.
Rainforest tiles give Campus, Commercial Hub, Holy Site and Theater Place districts a +1 adjacency bonus. Owned Rainforests give adjacent tiles +1 Appeal instead of the usua l-1.
Gives +3 combat and religious strength to all units in each Holy City converted to the Byzantine religion (including Byzantium's own Holy City). If an enemy civilization or city-state unit is defeated, the Byzantine religion spreads to nearby cities. +1 Great Prophet point in Holy Lands.
Cannot surprise or declare war on city-states. Cannot surprise war on Canada. Gain 1 Diplomatic Favor for every 100 Tourism. +100% Diplomatic Favor from successful emergencies and scoring contests.
Eureka and Inspiration provide an additional 10% of the science and culture cost for technology and civic research. Completing a Wonder grants Eureka and Inspiration for that Wonder's era.
+1 Trade Route Capacity and a free Trader with Pottery. Unowned tiles within 3 tiles of a Cree city come under Cree control the first time a Trader moves into them.
Rivers provide a +2 adjacency bonus for Campuses, Theatre Squares, and Industrial Districts. Building a Port triggers a Culture Bomb, which claims surrounding tiles.
Rivers provide a +2 adjacency bonus for Campuses, Theatre Squares, and Industrial Districts. Building a Port triggers a Culture Bomb, which claims surrounding tiles. +50% Production for Dam Districts and Flood Barriers.
+15% Production bonus for Districts and Wonders built adjacent to Rivers. Floodplains do not prevent the placement of Districts and Wonders.
+15% Production for Districts and Wonders built adjacent to Rivers. Districts, improvements, and units are immune to flood damage.
Improved resource tiles receive +1 Faith for each copy of the resource the city owns. International Trade Routes give +0. 5 Faith for each resource in the city. Faith can be used to purchase Archaeologists and Archaeological Museums.
Mines gain +1 culture, give all districts a +0. 5 adjacency bonus, trigger a culture bomb when built, and claim surrounding unowned tiles. Specialized districts do not receive adjacency bonuses from other districts and cannot be built next to a City Center.
Devotions chosen at the start of a Golden or Heroic Age grant normal age bonuses towards improving Era score in addition to the normal bonuses.
+50% wall production.
Each city may build one more Specialized district than its normal population limit.
+1 movement for all units. Promoting a unit does not end that unit's turn.
Gain an additional Wildcard policy slot in all governments.
Citizens can work on Mountain tiles. Mountain tiles provide +2 Production and +1 Food for each adjacent Terraced Farm. When the Incas reach the Industrial Age, Mountain tiles provide an additional +1 Production.
Indian cities receive the Faith of all Religions they have at least one follower in, not just the majority religion.
Indian cities receive the Faith of all Religions they have at least one follower in, not just the majority religion, and +1 Amenity for each Religion they have at least one follower in. Pay +2 Religious Spread to Missionaries. +100% Religious Pressure from Indian Trade Routes.
Coast and Lake tiles provide a +0. 5 adjacency bonus to Holy Site, Campus, Industrial, and Theater Square districts. Entertainment Complexes built adjacent to Coast or Lake tiles provide +1 Amenity.
Districts receive a +1 adjacency bonus for each adjacent district instead of +0. 5.
Cities with aqueducts receive +1 Amenity and +1 Faith per population. Farms receive +2 Food for being adjacent to an aqueduct and +1 Faith for being adjacent to a Holy Site.
Relics, artifacts and sculptures give +2 Food, +2 Production, +1 Faith and +4 Gold. Palaces have 4 additional Work slots. Great Artists, Musicians and Merchants all gain +50% points.
Farms receive +1 Food and Mines receive +1 Science for each adjacent Keep.
Conquering a city gives a free Eureka for each Camp and Campus district in the conquered city, and a free Inspiration for each Holy Site and Theater Square district in the conquered city.
City centers receive +1 Devotion and +1 Food for each adjacent Desert and Desert Hill tile. Mines receiv e-1 Production and +4 Gold. Commercial hub buildings can be purchased with Faith. -30% Production for buildings and units.
Unlocks sailing and shipbuilding, allowing you to enter ocean tiles. +5 combat strength and +2 movement for embarked units. +1 production from unimproved forests and rainforests, +2 production from mercantalism, and +3 production from conservation. +1 food from fishing boats. Building a fishing boat will trigger a culture bomb, capturing surrounding tiles. No resources can be harvested. No Great Writers can be gained.
Cities with the governor have a culture+5 %, production+10 % of the combat experience, for all training in the city. These figures are tripled in cities where Mapuche is not established. All cities within nine tiles from the city where your governor is, obtain +4 loyalty to your civilization for each turn.
Cities cannot get additional housing even if they are adjacent to freshwater and coasts. The city gets an amenity +1 for one luxury resource adjacent to the city center. The farm will get +1 and gold +1 if it is adjacent to the astronomical stand.
When you send a trade route, a trade area is immediately installed in the destination city, not when the trade route is completed. The diplomatic visibility with civilization that has a Mongolian trade area increases by one level. Instead of the normal +3 fighting power, the fighting power of all units is +6 for each level of diplomatic visibility that Mongolia has in the opponent's civilization.
The Norwegian unit does not pay additional transportation costs to get on or off the marine tiles using Shipbuilding instead of Cartogram. Navy's melee unit can recover in neutral territory.
The productivity of the Ranged unit+30%. The RANGED unit gets+50%of battle experience. Milion production of mine exceeding strategic resources, gold mine +2 exceeding bonus resources and luxury resources.
Production of the siege unit unit +30. When attacking a defensive area, the Siege unit gets +5. Conquering a city does not decrease the population of the city. Cities that are not constructed by the Ottoman Empire are amenities +1 for each turn, loyalty +4.
The ability of the trade route is +1 by political philosophy. Domestic trade routes provide +2 gold and +1 culture. Roads built in the Persian territory are one level higher than usual.
The letters start with EUREKA. The coastal city built by Phoenikia on the same continent as the capital is always completely loyalty. While the settlers are on board, they have +2 of their movement and vision, and do not pay the cost to board or under ship.
The construction of wildlords and fortress triggers a cultural bomb, claiming the territorial rights of the surrounding tiles. All government military policy slots are converted to wildcard policy slots.
International trade routes can only be sent to cities along the coast or ports, but all harvests increase +50 %. The water cruising range of the trading ship is +50%, and you can board as soon as the lock is unlocked.
The founding and conquered cities have a trade area first and a road that leads to the capital, and if it is within the range of the trade route. The trade route creates an additional +1 gold from the Trading Office in Rome.
The established cities have another five tiles. Tundra tiles bring religion +1 and production +1 in addition to normal harvest.
- The established city starts with 5 additional tiles. Tundra tiles bring +1 religion and +1 production in addition to normal harvest. The unit is not damaged by the snowstorm. Civilization, which is in a war with Russia, receives +100%damage due to snowstorms within the Russian territory.
- Happy cities will earn science+5 %, production+5 %, and will generate great scientist points +1 on campus and large engineer points +1 in the industrial zone. An ecstatic city doubles these bonuses.
- When building a light cavalry unit or Sakohose Archer, give the second of the knit for free.
- You can organize fleets and fleets with marcantilism, not nationalism or mobilization. The trade route is given 3 gold, 2 religion, and 1 production. Trading between cities on different continents can make a profit of this three times. Cities that are not on the continent of the original capital will add 25 % to the district and builders at the time of establishment.
- Each time you get a great man, you get 50 diplomatic favorable sensitivity. +1 Great Engineer points from the factory, +1 Great Scientist points from the university. With Sweden participating in this game, three unique world competitions will be added during the industry.
- Land specialty areas can only be built on tiles in forests, rainforests, and wetlands. The buildings in these characteristics receive additional yields: Culture+1 in Woods, science+1 in RainForest, and +1 for Marsh. The forest can plant medieval fairs instead of nature protection.
- When the city is occupied, as long as the necessary citizens are unlocked, the occupied units are upgraded: from normal units to corps and fleets to land and fleets. Cities with a stationed unit will increase +3 loyalty for each turn, and increase to +5 loyalty if the stationary unit is a corps or army.
- ↑ https: //ir. take2games. com/news-releaseS d_nir_news_date_Value%5bmin%5D = 2019
- ↑ https: //www. strategygamer. com/articles/civilization-vi- Android/
- ↑ It cannot be used if you are playing with Teddy Roosevelt Persona Pack.
- ↑ 4. 04. 1 Added in Teddy Roosevelt Persona Pack (July 23, 2020).
- ↑ 5. 05. 15. 25. 3 Added in the Great Negotiators Pack (November 21, 2022). Julius Caesar is not included in the pack, but is available to players with a 2K Account.
- ↑ 6. 06. 1 Added in the Australian Civilization & Scenario Pack (February 23, 2017).
- ↑ 7. 07. 1 Pre-order DLC. Available for free to all players 90 days after game release.
- ↑ 8. 08. 1 Added in the Babylon Pack (November 19, 2020).
- ↑ 9. 09. 19. 29. 3 Added in the Byzantium & Gaul Pack (September 24, 2020).
- ↑ 10. 010. 110. 2 Added in the Great Builders Pack.
- ↑ 11. 011. 111. 2 Added in the Rulers of China Pack.
- ↑ 12. 012. 1 Kublai Khan is the leader of both China and Mongolia.
- ↑ 13. 013. 113. 213. 3 Added in the Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack (January 28, 2021).
- ↑ 14. 014. 114. 2 Added in the Rulers of the Sahara Pack.
- ↑ The English in the vanilla game and the Rise and Fall expansion have the special ability "British Museum", and in the Gathering Storm expansion they have the special ability "Workshop of the World".
- ↑ 16. 016. 116. 2 Added in the Rulers of England Pack.
- ↑ 17. 017. 1 "Eleanor of Aquitaine" is the leader of both England and France.
- ↑ 18. 018. 1 Added in the Ethiopia Pack (July 23, 2020).
- ↑ Added in the Catherine de Medici Persona Pack (July 23, 2020).
↑ 22. 022. 122. 2 Added in the Great Commanders Pack (December 15, 2022).
↑ 23. 023. 123. 223. 3 Added in the Persian and Macedonian Civilization & Scenario Pack (March 28, 2017).
↑ 24. 024. 1 Added in the Nubian Civilization & Scenario Pack (July 27, 2017).↑ 25. 025. 1 Added in the Polish Civilization & Scenario Pack (December 20, 2016).
↑ Added in the Portugal Pack (March 25, 2021).
Added in the Rise and Fall Expansion Pack.
Added in the Gathering Storm Expansion Pack.
Districts [ ] (DistrictsGrowth-specific district "Suidobashi"
Main article Districts (Civ6)
Cities occupy multiple tiles. When a city is settled, the settled tile becomes the City Center district, and other tiles up to 3 hexes away from the City Center can be used to place other districts, improve with tile improvements, or place wonders (see below).
Districts themselves act as containers for buildings of the same type. For example, a campus district can contain buildings such as a library, a university, and a laboratory.
Wonders [ ] (WondersBroadway, a Modern Era Wonder
Main article Wonders (Civ6)
Like the conventional Civy Risation, Wonder is the only huge building in the world and brings a powerful bonus to civilization. All Wonders have been inspired by the famous real world buildings and landmarks that have endured the tests of time and have changed the world forever. Completing a dress requires time, energy and effort, but once it is built, your civilization will benefit a lot. Like the district, it is built on its own tiles, not in the city center. When it is built, all the tiles obtained from the tile are removed, and everything that originally existed is replaced with a wonder.
The Civilization VI adds a function called "Wonder Movie" to see the dress built from zero within 30 seconds (slightly similar to the Civilization IV Wonder Movie). This is an alternative to the announcement screen displayed when the Wonder is completed in Civie Rising V.Amazing of nature
The phenomenal of nature, Aya Fiya Rayokuru
Main article natural phenomenal (civ6)The surprise of nature is a unique terrain scattered around the world. All the phenomena of nature covers 1 to 4 tiles and gives a strong bonus that is important for nearby civilizations. Players cannot build districts or improvement facilities in Wonder Tile, but the bonuses given by Wonder Tile will be an attractive place for urban construction.
City nation
Industrial urban state, Hong Kong
Main Article City State (CIV6)
This game has six kinds of city states. In order to affect the city state, civilization can send an envoy, and the larger the number of messenger, the larger the bonus (based on the type of city nation). The most influential civilization to any urban state is "Suzuran Country", and the civilization has three or more "special envoys". If two or more civilizations have the same number (the number of special envoys), there is no "bell territory". The bell territory receives a bonus unique to the city nation. By paying gold, Suzu Lord can control the urban state military unit for 30 turns.[]]
Wonder is the only huge building in the world, as in the previous "Civ6)
The messenger is a representative of your civilization and can be dispatched to the city you met. By default, every 100 points of influence can be obtained, and one "mission" can be obtained, and policy cards can be improved. The bonus obtained from the city state is determined by the number of "special envoys" you sent to the city nation. The bonus can be obtained once by sending one "messenger", the next bonus can be obtained by sending three "messenger", and the last bonus can be obtained by sending six "messenger". If you declare war directly to the city nation, all "special envoys" in the city state will be removed. Other than that, the special envoys stay in the city state forever.The city nation you meet can give quests such as sending a trade route on a regular basis. When the quest is completed, one more ENVOY is given to the urban state.
- Opera and ballet, industrial Civic
- Main article Civic (CIV6)
- Social policy has been deleted and replaced with Civic. Civic is unlocked in culture through a researc h-style Civic Tree. Civic gives bonuses, unlocked buildings and amazing, gives policy cards, and opens the government type. In single player games, the discovery of each citizen (and technology) comes with a famous quotation in history, and Sean Bean is in charge of the voice.
- Policy card
Main article policy card (CIV6)
Policy cards can be placed in the policy card deck when they are unlocked in a civil tree. You can choose the government from there. The government's card configuration can be changed at any time at the gold cost, and you can change it for free every time a new citizen is completed.
There are four types of cards:Military affairs
- Government [] (government)
- Monarch system, medieval government
- Main article government (Civ6)
- All civilization begins with the Code of Laws research. Through the Civix Tree, you can unlock more government types. When changing the government type, there is no anarchy state unless you return to the previously selected government.
- Each government has a unique bonus and an additional heritage bonus obtained by maintaining its government type for a long time, and the structure of the policy card slot is different.
Additional slot
Certain dresses and abilities give additional free policy slots. These slots can have appropriate types of cards, regardless of the current government of the civilization.
Friedrich Barbarossa's Holy Roman Emperor's abilityAlhambra Palace
Big Ben
Adam Smith (Vanilla only) in the industrial eraKuburi Haan's Geregge ability
Islam, one of the 12 default religionsMain article religion (Civ6)
Religion is a function that appeared again in the Civy Rising VI, but its role was greatly expanded in both scope and importance, and it became a new victory condition. Religion is a system of spiritual religion (revealed by game bonus), which is established by a great prophet, gains points by building a sacred place, and spreads to residents of cities around the world. Religion is mainly based on the "religion" stats, and can be obtained through various means, such as buildings and mysterious things.
Main article Pantheon (CIV6)
- Pantheon is the first sign of mental development in civilization and is a foothold in religion. Pantheon worships many minor gods, usually provides minor bonuses based on terrain in relation to nature and natural phenomena. Pantheon in civilization is not overwritten by foreign religions.
- Victory conditions
Main article victory (Civ6)
The basic version of the Civie Rising VI has five victory conditions (six in the extended version), which supports many major aspects of the game. Scientific victory can be obtained by focusing on science advances and ultimately built a base on Mars. Cultural victory appears in Civilization III, similar to what appeared in Civilization V: Brave New World. Religious victory has been added to the victory conditions of Civy Risation V, and the religion adopted by the player is to become a dominant religion (worshiped in more than 50 % of cities) in all civilizations in the game. I will. The score and control victory are also revived.Expansion pack and DLC Civle Risation VI has two extended packs and several DLC packs. table of contents Civilization VI: Rise and Fall: Age system, loyalty, and governor are added. In addition, the alliance has been reviewed and emergency has been added. Civilization VI: Gathering Storm: Added the effects of natural disasters and global warming. In addition, a new future era, its technology and Civic are added. Canal, rock band, diplomatic victory, world conference, etc. DLC [] (English Main article DLC (Civ6) Pack name release date Content link Aztec civilization pack 1 November 19, 2016 (Thursday) Added Aztec civilization [1] Polish civilization & scenario pack Thursday, December 20, 2016 (Thursday) Added Polish civilization and "Yadviga's Heritage" scenario. [2] Viking Scenario Pack Viking, trader, raider! Scenario, three natural phenomena, six new urban states. [3] Australian civilization & scenario pack Released on February 23, 2017 Added Australian civilization, Outback Tycoon scenario, and Uluru nature. [4] Persia & Makedon civilization & scenario packs March 28, 2017 (Thursday) Added Persian civilization and Macedonian civilization, Alexander conquest scenarios, Halical Nassos mausoleum and the amazing of apadana. [5] Nubia civilization & scenario pack Released on July 27, 2017 Add the Nubia civilization, the Nile gift scenario, Jebel Vulcar's amazing. [6]. Khmer & Indonesian civilization & scenario packs Thursday, October 19, 2017 (Thursday) Khmer civilization, Indonesian civilization, road scenario to nirvana, the phenomenal of the Angkor Wat, the phenomenal of the Halon Bay, the new map is added. [7] Expansion bundle 2 Released on November 21, 2019 Khmer civilization, Indonesian civilization, road scenario to nirvana, the phenomenal of the Angkor Wat, the phenomenal of the Halon Bay, the new map is added. [8] Catholine de Medici Persona Pack July 23, 2020 Add Catrine de Medic Persona. [9] Teddy Roosevelt Persona Pack
July 23, 2020
Add Teddy Roosevelt Persona.[10]