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Heroes (Age of Mythology)
Two heroes appear in the Age of Mythology campaign: Alkanthos and Amanra.
Heroes are more expensive than human soldiers, but are cost effective at killing mythic units.
Greek heroes are limited in number, but more powerful than other heroes. If a Greek hero dies, it can be retrained for the same amount.
Egyptian heroes are Pharaohs and Priests. You can play one Pharaoh (two if the New Kingdom of Osiris is researched), and any number of Priests.
Nordic heroes are Harsil and Godis. You can train as many as you can afford.
Atlantean heroes can be promoted from Atlantean human units, and you can have as many as you can afford.
Heroes are one of the three basic unit types in Age of Mythology, along with human and mythic units. Heroes are powerful against mythic units, and (with the exception of Argo and Regent) can pick up relics to store in their temples. Following a rock-paper-scissors combat system, heroes are indifferent to human soldiers and can be outgunned by them, especially if outnumbered. Heroes have a gold glow around them (white before Retold) that makes them easily identifiable. Each civilization in the game has heroes with completely different characteristics, with different stats, procurement methods, and build ceilings.
Heroes are not normally classified as infantry, ranged, or cavalry units, and do not benefit from the bonuses and upgrades that favor those human types. Because of this, mounted melee heroes are no different from non-mounted heroes, except for their higher movement speed. Hersir are infantry and Godis are archers. Similarly, Atlante's human soldiers upgrade to heroes, but continue to be classified as their original unit type class and are affected by relic bonuses that affect their human form.
In the campaign, unique heroes are surrounded by a glowing ring as well as glowing. When a hero is killed, his corpse loses its glow and a glowing silhouette rises from the corpse and Athena announces, "A hero has fallen."
Before Retold, heroes also had an attack bonus against Set's animals.
Regent is a standard hero who does not belong to a specific civilization and cannot be trained. Each player must start from the Regent in REGICIDE game mode (before REGIDE map) and keep him use it so that he will not be defeated. Regents cannot pick up Relic and have no hero's shine.
table of contents
- 1st Greek
- 1. 1 Age Advanced Bonus
- 1. 2 Retold
- 2. 1 Age Advanced Bonus
- 3. 1 Age Advanced Bonus
- 3. 2 Reprinted
- 4. 1 Hero's status bonus
- 4. 2 age Advance bonus
- 4. 3 return
- 5. 1 Age Advanced Bonus
- 6. 1 Fall of Trident
- 6. 2 New Atlantis
- 6. 3 Dragon story
- 6. 4 Gathering of Legin Ray
- 7. 1 Fall of Trident
- 7. 2 Golden gift
- 7. 3 New Atlantis
- 7. 4 Dragon Story
- 7. 5 Others
- 7. 6 reconsideration
All heroes of Greece
Greek players can train a hero at the town center when the temple is built, and from the hero era. The main gods of Greek myths include famous heroes in Greek mythology.
The new hero can be used at the start of each age. In other words, Greek players are limited to up to four heroes (five if you worship Aphrodite). However, Greek's hero is much stronger than the other four civilizations. They can easily defeat the mythological unit and bring them to human soldiers unless they are overwhelmed by numbers. Age three Greece heroes are very similar to each other, up to mythology. The heroes of Mythic Age are more varied and each has its own special attacks. In the Extended Edition from Patch 2. 8, Classical Age allows all gods to access Hipocrates.
Age Advanced Bonus
Age Advance gives the Greek hero:
- Hit point+10%, attack +10
Retold [] Rettored
Hipocrates was deleted in Retold, and the classical and heroic heroes were replaced. Argo is no longer only for Poseidon. He can only get from Kogami Afrodite through research on "Argonoths" technology.
All Egyptian heroes: Both Pharaohs, priests, sons of Osiris
Pharaoh and the priest are Egyptian standard heroes. The Egyptian player starts the game with Pharaoh, who does not occupy the population slot. Pharaoh can help buildings, improve all the functions of the building, and restore allies. It is not particularly strong, but it gets 20 % of the aggression as Age progresses. Even if you are killed, it will be revived at the Town Center immediately.
In the mythology era, Oshiris has a god power that transforms Pharao into an Osiris son. Ocillis's son, an overwhelmingly strong hero in this game, has a dramatic increase in hit points and a fatal chain lightning attack that can attack up to four units. Osiris also gives the player a new Kingdom, which gives the player a second Pharaoh (you can stay home while the Osiris son is fighting).
Priest is similar to Pharaoh. Priest resembles Pharaoh, but is weak but mas s-produced. Egyptian players can start with Priest and train once in the alkic era to train more priests. Like Pharaoh, Priest can recover the unit and build an oberisk. Priest is very vulnerable to human units, but very effective for mythology units.
Age Advanced Bonus
Age Advance gives the following improvements to the Egyptian hero:
- Pharaoh hit point+10%, attack power+20%, gaze+9/+6/+2 (classical/ hero/ mythology)
- Ocilis's son hit+10%(added to 420 basic hits, resulting in a total of 546)
- Priest +10 %, attack +10 %, gaze +8/ +6/ +2 (classical/ heroes/ myths)
Scandinavian mythology
All Nordic heroes (Ragnarok's heroes have three variations and show one variation of Garin Bull Styi)
The main Nordic heroes are Hasser, the captain of the Viking Army, and God's, a kind of religious and political leader in ancient Scandinavia. Hasser can be trained in the temple in the Alchaic Age and a long house in Classical Age. Although it is powerful to mythology units, the other proximity combat abilities are average, and cost performance is poor for human soldiers. It is also infantry and is opposed by infantry units. Godis is a archer who can train in the Great Hall after Heroic Age and swing a fire spear. It can compete with firing enemy mythology units rather than Hasser, and is the only countermeasure to the fligh t-type mythology unit.
Other types of Nordic heroes cannot train. MYTHIC AGE players who worship Baldr can use Ragnarok's God Power, allowing all players Gathers and Dwarves into Ragnarok heroes. These heroes are similar to HERSIRS, but have a faster, better armor, and have more powerful basic attacks. However, it is not very strong for mythology.
Both types of Nordic heroes are similar to infantry units, but as with heroes, they do not benefit from upgrades or bonuses that affect infantry. However, they are weak against anti-infantry units such as the Hyperpistes, and like other Nordic infantry (except for the Bogsveiger), they can build and repair buildings. They are also melee units that deal hack damage, so there are no dedicated hero units in the Nordic army to counter flying or fast ranged mythic units. Instead, there are human units with increased bonus attacks for such purposes. Throwing Axemen (with Muspel's Axe) and Bogsveigir can counter flying mythic units. Jarls can keep up with land mythic units and deal heavy damage.
Age Advanced Bonus
By advancing through the Age, Nordic heroes can gain the following improvements:
- Hit point+10%, attack +10
Retold [] Rettored
Retold adds Godi, which can be used from the Heroic Age. Additionally, players can no longer train Hersirs in Longhouses, Gatherers become male and female Heroes of Ragnarok, and Dwarves become Dwarf Heroes of Ragnarok. The Dwarf Hero of Ragnarok is now a separate unit from the other two versions, but double-clicking it will select all three versions together.
Another hero, Gullinbursti, has been added to the New Gods Pack: Freya. Gullinbursti has four different versions, all of which are separate. Her appearance and size also differs from version to version. Like the Hero of Ragnarok, this hero unit can only be obtained through the divine power of the chief god Freya. Depending on the age, a version will be born when you use god power, such as version 1 in the Archaic Age. Gullinbursti will automatically die when it runs out of life. The first two versions have the same lifespan, with the Heroic Age version living longer and the Mythic Age version living even longer.
All Atlantean heroes (Citizens have male and female variants)
Both types of Nordic heroes are similar to infantry units, but as with heroes, they do not benefit from upgrades or bonuses that affect infantry. However, they are weak against anti-infantry units such as the Hypatspists, and like other Nordic infantry (except for Bogsveiger), they can build and repair buildings. They are also melee units that deal hack damage, so there is no dedicated hero unit in the Nordic army to counter flying or fast ranged mythic units. Instead, there are human units with increased bonus attacks for such purposes. Throwing axemen (with Muspel's axe) and Bogsveigir can counter flying mythic units. Jarls can keep up with land mythic units and deal heavy damage.
Age Advancement Bonuses
By advancing through the Ages, Norse Heroes can gain the following improvements:
Hit Points +10%, Attack +10
- Retold [ ]Retold
- Retold adds Godi, available from the Heroic Age. Additionally, players can no longer train Hersirs in Longhouses, Gatherers turn into male and female Heroes of Ragnarok, and Dwarves turn into Dwarf Heroes of Ragnarok. The Ragnarok Dwarf Hero is now a separate unit from the other two versions, but double-clicking it selects all three versions together.
- Another hero, Gullinbursti, has been added to the New Gods Pack: Freya. Gullinbursti has four different versions, all of which are separate. Appearance and size also vary between versions. Like the Hero of Ragnarok, this hero unit can only be obtained through the divine power of the chief god Freya. Depending on the age, there will be versions when using God Powers, such as version 1 in the Archaic Age. Galinbursti will die automatically when their lifespan runs out. The first two versions have the same lifespan, with the Heroic Age version living longer and the Mythic Age version living even longer.
- Atlanteans
Age Advanced Bonus
Both types of Nordic heroes are similar to infantry units, but as with heroes, they do not benefit from upgrades or bonuses that affect infantry. However, they are weak against anti-infantry units such as the Hypaspists, and like other Nordic infantry (except for Bogsveigir), they can build and repair buildings. They are also melee units that deal hack damage, so there is no dedicated hero unit in the Nordic army to counter flying or fast ranged mythic units. Instead, there are human units with increased bonus attacks for such purposes. Throwing Axemen (with Muspel's Axe) and Bogsveigir can counter flying mythic units. Jarls can keep up with land mythic units and deal heavy damage.
- Age Advancement Bonus
- By advancing through the ages, Nordic heroes can gain the following improvements:
- Hit Points +10%, Attack +10
Retold [] Rettored
Retold adds Godi, available from the Heroic Age. Additionally, players can no longer train Hersirs in Longhouses, Gatherers turn into male and female Heroes of Ragnarok, and Dwarves turn into Dwarf Heroes of Ragnarok. The Ragnarok Dwarf Heroes are now separate units from the other two versions, but double-clicking them selects all three versions together.
Another hero, Gullinbursti, has been added to the New Gods Pack: Freya. Gullinbursti has four different versions, all of which are separate. Her appearance and size also vary from version to version. Like the Hero of Ragnarok, this hero unit can only be obtained through the divine power of the chief god Freya. Depending on the Age, a version will be spawned when using God Power, such as version 1 in the Archaic Age. Garimbursti will automatically die when his lifespan runs out. The first two versions have the same lifespan, with the Heroic Age version living longer and the Mythic Age version living even longer.
All Atlantean heroes (Citizens have male and female variants)
Atlantes do not train heroes, but instead create heroes from regular human units. These transformations cost on average about 120% of the unit's original cost and a small amount of favor. The transformation takes a few seconds, so it must be timed well in advance, and it is dangerous to transform when already under attack. The units that can be transformed are: Citizen, Oracle, Murmillo, Katapeltes, Turma, Arcus, Contarius, Cheiroballista, Destroyer, and Fanatic. All of these specially crafted hero units get a large bonus to mythic units, and Oracle heroes generate favor faster than Oracles. Also, Oracle heroes can gain favor faster than Oracles. For example, Katapeltes heroes resemble human heroes and retain their large bonus to cavalry. Atlantes heroes have better base stats (see below) than human units, but lose other upgrades (e. g. Medium Infantry). On the other hand, the Age Advancement bonus is maxed out in the Classical Age, giving them an early boost. Also, more armor can be obtained through Armoury technology.
Transforming ordinary units into heroes is costly early on and increases the number of population slots the unit takes up, which can cause the player to exceed the population limit, thus preventing them from training units to replace them. To counter this, Prometheus grants the player the "Giant's Heart" technology, which reduces the cost of transforming human units into heroes, and "Brave Power", which allows a small number of human units to be transformed for free.
Age Advanced Bonus
Upgrading a unit to a Hero gives the following improvements:
- Hit point+10%, attack +10
- Citizen: Hit Points +20, Speed +0. 2, Line of Sight +2, Range +1 (15)
Tarma and Arcus Hit +10, Agility +0. 3, Line of Sight +2
“ Murmillo, Catapultes, Contarius, Destroyer, Fanatic + Hit +15, Speed +0. 3, Line of Sight +2 ” Age Advance Bonuses Age Advance gives Atlantean Heroes the following improvements:
Classic Age Hit +20%, Attack +20
Heroic Age Hit Points +10%, Attack +10
Mythic Age + Hit +5%, Attack +5
Littledo [ ] (Reprint)
Retold can now be converted to a hero. Oracle is the only hero that has not been listed as "Idle Hero". He is not listed as an "idol military unit". Heroes gain the "holy hand" after at least one temple has been built. In addition, Hyperion's "Son of the Sun" technology turns all existing and future Oracle into a hero.
- At the beginning of each game, Gaia gives her hero citizens instead of ordinary citizens.
- Chinese
- All Chinese Heroes: Monk, Immortal, Servant China
- The monks and hermits are two types of Chinese heroes. The monks are able to recover close combat, recover other units, and convert human units, and the monks of the Shinko can convert other mythology units other than giants. The shrine monk can also convert mythology other than Titan. The hermit is a mult i-range hero, fighting down the air target with a bow and fighting the ground target in a close battle. Following the Yasusen in China's tradition, there are up to eight hermits at once. Except for the Fushi, which can acquire all eight people from the beginning, the hermit will be able to acquire two people each time the age goes up.
- Immortals have another variation called "Servant Chinese". He is immortal in the game, but in the cut scene he looks like an old man. Unlike images, this does not emit any sound. In addition, the hit point is only 130, and the hack attack is 9 in the alkic aged. Other attributes do not change.
- Age Advanced Bonus
- Age Advance gives Chinese heroes the following:
- Hit point+10%, attack power +10
- Immortals have +1 range for each agent (patch 2. 8 or later)
The heroes of the age of mythology campaign are the agents of each god, and it is difficult to kill them. The hero whose hit point is 1 falls during the battle. In that case, you can hear the announcement that the hero has fallen in Athena's voice. However, because the hero is not dead, it rarely loses to the scenario just because the hero has fallen. Instead, the hero loses consciousness, but stands up as soon as dangerous enemy units and buildings are eliminated from the area and recovers hit points. Heroes are at risk of recovering or falling again during the battle until the hit point returns to a reasonable level.
-I n-game help "FALLEN HEROES"
It is a hero limited to campaign:
- Fall of Trident
All heroes of the Fall of the Trident Campaign
* Removable before Litold
Classic Age Hit +20%, Attack +20
- All heroes appearing in the New Atlantis campaign
Castle (adult)
- Amanra (older)
Littledo [ ] (Reprint)
- Osiris son (XP)
- Folstag King
The heroes of the age of mythology campaign are the agents of each god, and it is difficult to kill them. The hero whose hit point is 1 falls during the battle. In that case, you can hear the announcement that the hero has fallen in Athena's voice. However, because the hero is not dead, it rarely loses to the scenario just because the hero has fallen. Instead, the hero loses consciousness, but stands up as soon as dangerous enemy units and buildings are eliminated from the area and recovers hit points. Heroes are at risk of recovering or falling again during the battle until the hit point returns to a reasonable level.
- General Melagius
Alcantos (God) (No n-Clearable)
- Castle (with a cane) (no n-playable)
- * Retold has been deleted.
- Tal of the Dragon
- All heroes of Tale of the Dragon campaign
Retold [] Rettored
Fire King (no n-playable)
Sem i-hero [].
These units are not strictly a hero, but they share the characteristics of heroes, such as "((hero)", Heroglow, Hero's birth effect, Hero's death effect, lerrick pickup, and health playback. They are not strictly regarded as a hero, so they are vulnerable to mythological units and are not affected by heroes upgrades, such as the rise of Olympia's pedigree and aged.Fall of the Trident