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Park a Cola
Park a Cola (Park Alter in Chaos Story, Call of Duty: Demonic Fountain in Vanguard) is all except for the dead ops arcade, bass depos, Call of Duty: Worl d-War Nacht Dear Potterten It is a feature seen in the zombie map of. It also appears in Call of Duty Online Cyborg Rising Game Mode. Each drink will survive and repel the players to survive from a horde of zombies. Some are based on the parks found in multiplayer (for example, JuggerNog and Speed Cola reflect JuggerNaut and Sleight of Hand, respectively). However, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War was unified, and it depends on the number of perk that the players have. This cost increases by 500 points each time the player has a park, with 2500 points for the first park and 7000 points for the last park.
The park spawns to the fixed location of each map. However, Shi Nonuma, Shangr i-La, Moon, Nuketown Zombie, Die Rise, Evil Shadow, Giants, Dead of the Knights are exceptions, and the park spawns randomly at the spawn point. All Park a Cola Machine needs to turn on the power before use, unless there is a power switch in the map. The exception is that the Mob of the Dead, Mob of the Dead, needs to turn on the ful l-life in the afterlife before using each Park a Cola Machine. Then, before purchasing each park a Cola machine, you need to turn on the power with a corresponding 115 generator. The system is the same as the Mob of the Dead in the shadow of the dead, and the Beast is individually parked. Just start. In Tranzit, the Perk-A-COLA machine can be started before turning the power using a turbine. On the chaos story map, Park Alter can be used as soon as it is discovered. In Black Ops Cold War, some perk machines have already been powered by external generators, so there is no need to turn on. In vanguard, Demonic Fountains does not supply power and can be drunk as soon as it is discovered.
In the Aether Saga, Group 935 was involved in the production of many perks-a-cola, especially Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap, Deadshot Daiquiri, and Lava Kick. According to the timeline, Dr. Monty helped Group 935 create perks and has his own factory that produces perks. The Ascension Group, who studied Group 935's elixir research, also developed the PhD Flopper and Stamin' Up perks. In the Chaos Saga, the Perk Alter is one of many supernatural objects that appear during the Sentinel Trials, intended to help those who undertake the trials. In the Dark Aether Saga, the Perk-a-Cola Machine was created for Requiem by Kazimir Zaykov. The Devil's Fountain is said to have been created in the Dark Aether itself using "Demon's Blood". Exceptions are if the player has obtained a Focusing Stone, completed Richtofen's Grand Scheme, completed Maxis or Richtofen's side of Mined Games, successfully used a Tombstone Soda, Who's Who, Aftertaste or Near Death Experience GobbleGum, or if a teammate has Near Death Experience or Phoenix Up GobbleGum. In Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, the player loses two perks, and in co-op, the remaining two are gradually lost depending on how long it takes to bleed out. A similar system is used in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, where the player loses one perk if they have three or fewer perks, and all but three if they have four or more. Any remaining perks after the first perk loss slowly decay until the player is revived, but this can be changed by using Tombstone Soda or Healing Aura at Tier 5. Tombstone is always the first perk to be lost, making it a great perk to save for more important perks. Quick Revive is the last perk to be lost, with the exception of tier 5, where the perk disappears immediately. Table of Contents
1 Juggernog
2 Quick Revive
- 3 Speed Cola
- 4 Double Tap Root Beer
- 5 PhD Flopper
- 6 Stamin' Up
- 7 Deadshot Daiquiri
- 8 Mule Kick
- 9 Tombstone Soda
- 10 Who's Who
- 11 Electric Cherry
- 12 Vulture Ade
- 13 Del Wonderfizz
- 14 Widder's Wine
- 15 Elemental Pop
- 16 Death Perception
- 17 Dr. Slider
- 18 Mele Macchiato
- 19 Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
- 19. 1 Locations
- 19. 1. 1 Voyage of the Dead
- 19. 1. 2 IX
- 19. 1. 3 Blood of the Dead
- 19. 1. 4 Classified
- 19. 1. 5 Dead of the Night
- 19. 1. 6 Ancient Evil
- 19. 1. 7 Alpha Omega
- 19. 1. 8 Tag der Toten
- 19. 2. 1 Time Slip
- 19. 2. 2 Quick Revive
- 19. 2. 3 Death Perception
- 19. 2. 4 Stamina Up
- 19. 2. 5 Aether Razor
- 19. 2. 6 Electric Burst
- 19. 2. 7 Dying Wish
- 19. 2. 8 Stone Cold Stronghold
- 19. 2. 9 Victorious Tortoise
- 19. 2. 10 Deadshot Dealer
- 19. 2. 11 Bandolier Bandit
- 19. 2. 12 Winter's Wail
- 19. 2. 13 Lava Kick
- 19. 2. 14 PhD Slider
- 19. 2. 15 Zombshell
- 19. 2. 16 Blood Wolf Bite
- 19. 2. 17 Blaze Phase
- 19. 2. 18 Secret Sauce
- 20. 1 Demonic Fountain List
- 20. 1. 1 Ether Haste
- 20. 1. 2 Demonic Frenzy
- 20. 1. 3 Dire Damage
- 20. 1. 4 Demonic Tenacity
- 20. 1. 5 Poison Vitality
- 21. 1 Amm-O-Matic
- 21. 2 Candelivers
- 21. 3 Tough Brew
- 21. 4 Pronide
- Juggernog [ ] (Juggernog
- Main article Juggernog
In these cases, we recommend this drink. Reach for a Juggernog tonight! Listen to Juggernog's jingle and you'll surely grow stronger and bigger!
- Juggernog JingleJuggernog Jingle
Juggernog increases the player's health from 100 to 250. It takes 2 hits (10 ... It takes 5 hits instead of 3 from Hellhounds and Crawler Zombies, 6 hits instead of 3 from Hellhounds and Crawler Zombies, 8 hits instead of 4 from Jumping Jacks, and 4 hits instead of 2 from Brutus. George A. Romero takes 2 hits without Juggernog and 3 hits with Juggernog to knock the player down. Panzersoldat has the most powerful melee attack of all the zombies, dealing a devastating 125 damage. Panzersoldat takes 1 hit without Juggernog and 2 hits with Juggernog to knock the player down. At 2500 points, it is generally considered the most important perk by many players. The machine says that it uses real eggs. Most characters state that they enjoy the taste, but Ultimis Nikolai Belinsky from Der Riese, the cast of Mob of the Dead, and all of Primis from The Giant all have less than favorable things to say about the taste. This reflects Juggernaut's multiplayer perks.Juggernog machine between World at War and Black Ops III.
Juggernog machine after Black Ops Cold War.
Quick Revive [ ] Main article Quick ReviveWhen everything's dragging you down, dragging you to the ground by your hair, you need a little revive if you wanna get back up. You need a little revive if you wanna get back up. Yeah
- Quick Revive JingleQuick Revive Jingle
Quick Revive sets the resurrection time of the player in the co-op half, and in solo (in solo (in Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Black Ops III), the player is automatically down. Activate it and revive the player by temporarily granting upgrades that can be used if you have an appropriate gun that can be used at the time of the resurrection of 10 seconds or 10 seconds to be resurrected. Can do. Solo does not require power, but can only be used three times except for some Black Ops 2 maps. It costs 1500 points for the co-ops and the CALL OF Duty: World at War for all games, and 500 points for Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Black Ops III solo. Quick Revive is not featured in Mob of the Dead because the world after death has been added. According to the characters, it tastes like a fish. All characters except Takeo Masaki dislike the taste. Partially reflects the second chance, the last stand, and the final stand.Quick revive machine between World At War and Black Ops III.
Quick resurrection machine after the Black Ops Cold War.
Speed cola Main article speed colaYour hands are slow, your movement is slow, and your lack of speed only brings you suffering. If you drink a bite, the movement will be faster. Try it now! And the speed is mastered! Press your lips to the only existence that really moves you. Speed Cola accelerates your life!
-Speed Cola JingleSpeed Cola Jingle
Speed Cola is half the reload time, so that the barrier can be built 60%faster, but the latter effect is not in Black Ops 2. 3000 points required. In Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War, Speed Cola was nerfed, and the speed of reloading and barrier construction was reduced to 15%, but it could be upgraded to 30%in Tier 3, so it is the previous half speed. According to Lichito Hofen, the main component can rot the consumer spirit, and according to Nikolai Berinsky, it is spicy. Every character enjoys the taste. From the quoted "Buried" by Marton Johnson, it does not seem to contain sugar and dairy products, but in "ORIGINS", "Tank" dempice finally tasted sugar, and basic. He says that food can be barely eaten. This reflects the "Slite of Hand".Speed color machine between World At War and Black Ops III.
Speed Cola Machine after the Black Ops Cold War.
Double tap root beer Main article double tap root beerCowboys cannot be a slow shot. When they need help, they reach out to the root via shelves (eho!). The cowboys can not shoot slowly, otherwise fall down, and when they need some help, they reach out to the root beer shelves. Are you thirsty?
-Double tap root beer jingleDouble tap root beer and jingle
Double tap root beer (Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Call of Duty: Black Ops III) increases the shooting speed of players by 33 %, Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Call of Duty: In the Black Ops III, bullets can also fire two bullets (double shotgun pellets) in one shot, effectively double the damage. This can be a doubl e-edged sword. Players can defeat zombies faster, but ammunition consumption is disadvantageous for weapons with already high launch speeds, and the hit rate may decrease significantly. Therefore, it is very effective for weapons with low launch speeds such as pump actio n-type shotguns, bolt action rifles, BAR, HK21, etc. This park requires 2000 points. According to Tank "Dempsey, it is a chewy taste. Every character comments on its effects and jingles. It reflects the multiplayer benefits, double tap and lapid fire attachment.Double tap root beer
Double tap II root beer machine.
PHD flopper Main article PHD flopper(PHD) Night landscape. (PHD) Street is mean. (Dr.) What I have seen. Good, (PHD) bad, and between them. If you dive to Prone, you will surely be your own, Dr. (flopper)! If you dive to Prone, you will be shaken to the bones, the zombies will make a voice, for the PHD! (PHD) The feeling is stronger. (Doctor) The right (doctor) Like the chorus of the song (doctor) (Dr.) Hit your body on the floor, not short or long, everyone needs your explosive love. If you dive into your prone, you will be shaken to the bones, the zombies will make a voice, for the PHD! (PHD) (flopper)! that's right.
-PHD flopper jinglePHD flopper jingle
The PHD flopper gives the player a video for explosion and fall damage. This includes cooking grenades for a long time, and otherwise it can induce a powerful explosion by lying down from the height that is damaged. The PHD flopper first appeared in Ascension. This park is very useful for the player to use explosive weapons, especially ray guns, scavenger, and mastang & sari. Its explosive sudden dive capacity can be used by itself up to about 20 rounds. The cost is 2000 points. According to Robert England, it is made of chemicals. Characters such as Samantha Maxis commented that the prunes tasted. Keno Masaki commented that this is his most disliked privilege because he is allergic. Lightweight Pro, Dead Silence Pro, partially reflects flag jackets.PHD flopper machine of "Black Ops" and "Black Ops II".
PHD Flopper machine after Modern Warfear III.
Stamin a-up Main appearance work stamina upSTAMIN-UP-Min-UP (x3) When you need extra running, when you need extra time, keep shooting guns, you like lime twists. When you want to keep moving, when you want to escape. When you need vitamin K! Let's run extra miles! I'll open your eyes and make them look! It looks like Stamin Up Mi n-up for you (stamin e-up Mi n-up!) Storamin Up Time! Yes, let's drink. Drink
-Slami n-up jingleStamin e-up jingle
Stami n-up affects the overall mobility of the player, increasing the movement speed of 7 % and 100 % sprint time. Stami n-up was first introduced in Ascension. Use to quickly move players to other places with a wide map like Call of the Dead, increase the mobility of players with heavy weapons such as light machine guns and launchers, and escape from the rushing hordes. It helps players a lot. In addition, since the movement speed of the player is much faster, it is very effective to use it with a light weapon. The price is 2000 points. According to the character, it tastes sour. Reflect marathon, lightweight, and extreme conditions.Stamin a-up machine between Black Ops and Black Ops III.
Stamina up machine after the Black Ops Cold War.
Deadshot Daikiri Main article Dead shot DaikiriTo err is human, but to forgive is God. I do not forgive, nor are my mistakes! At least in my eyes, they are not human. Take one sip of this and I will shock them for life! We have guns and bombs! In Deadshot Heaven, we pop skulls for fun! Zero in baby, zero on the spot. It's a hot spot, go all out! Don't complain about your aim being bad, try again! With the headshot power of the Deadshot Daiquiri
- Deadshot Daiquiri JingleDeadshot Daiquiri Jingle
Deadshot Daiquiri increases hipfire accuracy by 35%, reduces recoil for all weapons (especially sniper rifles), removes idle sway for sniper rifles, and adjusts aim assist to aim at the head of a zombie instead of the body (except for wonder weapons and explosive weapons). Deadshot Daiquiri first appeared in Call of the Dead. It costs 1500 points on consoles and 1000 points on PC, but the latter does not support auto-aim, so the benefit of this perk is less. In Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Deadshot Daiquiri's visuals were changed to a rock style, and the effects were also changed to completely remove scope shake for all weapons, not just sniper rifles. According to the characters, it has a very sweet taste, and is even described by Takeo Masaki and Samantha Maxis as resembling yogurt and strawberries, respectively. It somewhat reflects Steady Aim, Scout, and is similar to Kick, Breath, and Stability proficiency.Deadshot Daiquiri Machine between Black Ops 1 and Black Ops III.
Deadshot Daiquiri Machine after Black Ops Cold War.
Mule Kick Main Article Mule KickLegends tell of a hero in a tortured land where senoritas lived in fear. In their lonely nights, in their deepest despair, he was El Burro! (Hee haw, hee haw). Over the fields, over the plains. He ran fast enough to dodge the rain. He was El Burro! He took his gun and rushed to save the day. He was strong as a mule, stubborn as a mule, and even kicked like a mule! (El Bullo!). El Bullo! (El Bullo!) But some, and some more, just were! He was El Burro! He was El Burro! El Bullo (Hee haw, hee haw). - The Mule Kick Jingle The Mule Kick Jingle
Mule kick gives the player a third weapon slot so that the third gun can be carried (when purchased from a wall or from a mystery box). However, when the player goes down and loses the park, he loses the third weapon slot and the weapon held in the slot. Mule Kick first appeared in Moon, but can now be used on HOTFIX on September 27, 2011 on the Call of Duty: Black Ops (excluding DEAD OPS Arcade). The fee is 4000 points.According to Tank Dempsey, it tastes like a beer, but according to Keno Masaki, it tastes like cola. Partially reflects overkill.
Laba kick machine of "Black Ops" and "Black Ops III". Black Ops Cold War Laba Kick Machine.Tombstone Soda
Main article Time Stone Soda
Take a break apart. There is no resurrection, a lot of bleeding. The tomb inscription says he died as a wealthy man, but he can regain everything with Tombstone and seal the master plan! Tombstone, Tombstone! Tombstone! The limit is the will not abandon the hopes of death. Tombstone! Tombstone! * Tombstone* -Thome Stone Soda JingleTombstone Soda Jingle
Tombstone Soda allows the player to commit suicide during the down, and in time, can recover equipment with the power up of the Tombstone. This allows the player to regain all weapons, equipment and parks, except for the tohmstone itself. When the player goes down, you can continue to die early by pressing the 'USE' button. At the end of the round, the player will be willing to recover the powe r-up of the tombstone left in the place where the player fell. Only suicide players can collect powe r-ups, and the power up will disappear after 90 seconds. When resuscited, the benefits are canceled, and the player must r e-acquire all the benefits again. TOMBSTONE SODA only appears on Green Run and is not available solo. The price is 2000 points.Although the taste and the impressions of the characters are unknown, STUHLINGER states in a negative tone as "a flavor like a liquid chalk." Tombstone resembles the second chance of mult i-player benefits, the last stand, and the Deathstek Final Stand.
Tombstone Soda Machine appearing in Black Ops II. Tombstone soda machine after the Black Ops Cold War.WHO'S WHO []
Main article Foods Fu
I was just talking alone the other day. I was listening a lot about what I didn't think. But when I said something, I shaken my heart (WHO'S WHO? I don't know me. But I know you. If you'll listen We talked alone, we were just talking about it, but I wasn't feeling bad (let me release, a man!). I was (a different person!) Before a bad guy came and took me, I feel sick, but not as bad (I'm that man!) (Who's Who? -Foods Foo JingleFoods Foo Jingle
WHO'S WHO allows you to manipulate Doppelganger when the player falls down, revive yourself, and make other players busy zombies to revive their original characters. Doppelganger spawns near the original character, has a different view, and is equipped only with M1911. If the player succeeds in resuscitation, all weapons, equipment, and benefits other than WHO'S WHO will be held. Also, if the player dies in a way that can not be resurrected, such as falling into the gap between the building, the Who's Who will listen to the player without waiting for the end of the round. Currently only appears in Die Rise. The cost is 2000 points.Black Ops II WHO'S WHO machine.
Electric cherry Main article Electric Cherry < SPAN> Tombstone Soda Machine after the Black Ops Cold War.WHO'S WHO []
Main article Foods FuI was just talking alone the other day. I was listening a lot about what I didn't think. But when I said something, I shaken my heart (WHO'S WHO? I don't know me. But I know you. If you'll listen We talked alone, we were just talking about it, but I wasn't feeling bad (let me release, a man!). I was (a different person!) Before a bad guy came and took me, I feel sick, but not as bad (I'm that man!) (Who's Who?
-Foods Foo JingleFoods Foo Jingle
WHO'S WHO allows you to manipulate Doppelganger when the player falls down, revive yourself, and make other players busy zombies to revive their original characters. Doppelganger spawns near the original character, has a different view, and is equipped only with M1911. If the player succeeds in resuscitation, all weapons, equipment, and benefits other than WHO'S WHO will be held. Also, if the player dies in a way that can not be resurrected, such as falling into the gap between the building, the Who's Who will listen to the player without waiting for the end of the round. Currently only appears in Die Rise. The cost is 2000 points.
Black Ops II WHO'S WHO machine.
Electric cherryMain article Electric Cherry Black Ops after the Cold War Tombstone Soda Machine.
WHO'S WHO []Main article Foods Fu
I was just talking alone the other day. I was listening a lot about what I didn't think. But when I said something, I shaken my heart (WHO'S WHO? I don't know me. But I know you. If you'll listen We talked alone, we were just talking about it, but I wasn't feeling bad (let me release, a man!). I was (a different person!) Before a bad guy came and took me, I feel sick, but not as bad (I'm that man!) (Who's Who? -Foods Foo JingleFoods Foo Jingle
WHO'S WHO allows you to manipulate Doppelganger when the player falls down, revive yourself, and make other players busy zombies to revive their original characters. Doppelganger spawns near the original character, has a different view, and is equipped only with M1911. If the player succeeds in resuscitation, all weapons, equipment, and benefits other than WHO'S WHO will be held. Also, if the player dies in a way that can not be resurrected, such as falling into the gap between the building, the Who's Who will listen to the player without waiting for the end of the round. Currently only appears in Die Rise. The cost is 2000 points.Black Ops II WHO'S WHO machine.
Electric cherryMain article electric cherry
Electric cherry generates a deadly electric shock wave around the player when reloading or down the weapon. Purchase requires 2000 points. The color is light blue (the color of the drink is cherry red) and the icon is red cherry. The effect of the benefits depends on the remaining ammunition during reloading. When you replace the almost full magazine, a very small blast is generated, and replacing the empty magazine causes as large as possible. When the player dies, there is a fairly large explosion that can kill several zombies, like the Dead Man's Hand and Martyrdom Death Story. This park is located in Mob of the Dead, Origins, Zetsubou NO SHIMA, Der Eisendrache, and Gorod Krovi. There is no jingle in the map more than an unusual chime sound emitted by all parks. Very useful with melee maps such as Mob of the Dead. ELECTRIC CHERRY is necessary to achieve/ trophy of A Burst of Flavor, and need to defeat 10 zombies in one shock wave radius.In Mob of the Dead, when the player approaches the electric cherry machine, an unusual chime sounds, but there is no known park jingle.
ELECTRIC CHERRY machine of Black Ops II and Black Ops III.Vulture Aid [] (English)
Main article Vulture Aid I was looking for a salvation, I was looking for a sign. While you, mine. I was expecting insight. I was looking for something wrong! With these small eyes, I found something starting with V! Value Aid! Still in time! Get a vulture-Valtable Aid Jingle
Valcure Aid JingleVulture Aid gives the players with four unique effects. 3000 points are required and is in the Buried church. This benefit is also necessary to clear the "MINED GAMES EASTER EGG" on the Lichthofen side or Maxis side.
Black Ops II Vulture Aid machine.Dear Wander Fiz [] (Der Wunderfizz
Main article Winder Fizz Der Wunderfizz is a machine that appears in Origins, Der Eisendrache, Gorod Krovi, and Revelations that gives the player a random perk bottle for 1500 points. Like the Mystery Box, it will transport you to one of several locations after a certain number of uses. It requires power to function properly. To know its actual location, players must look at the sky and search for lightning strikes. Starting with Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, the functionality of this machine changes significantly, allowing players to select which perks they want to buy from it one after the other.Der Wunderfizz machine in Black Ops II and Black Ops III.
Der Wunderfizz machine after Black Ops Cold War.Widow's Wine
Main Article Widow's WineWhen you're feeling a bit lonely, your spouse is kinda dead, or you feel like curling up with someone in your empty little bed. Danger is around the corner (CORNER!!!) and love is on the decline (DECLINE!!!), but if you drink Widow's Wine (x3), you'll never be the chief mourner again. With Widow's Wine, you're mine. With Widow's Wine, you're mine!
- Widow's Wine Jingle Widow's Wine JingleThe Widow's Wine is a special grenade similar to a Semtex that creates a spider web when it explodes, which increases melee damage, changes the sound of the default knife, adds a green trail to the default knife, and creates a random chance for melee attacks to entangle a zombie without consuming grenade ammo. The web slows zombies for a moment and damages them, but does no damage to the player. The player automatically detonates a grenade in their pocket when hurt by a zombie, allowing them to make a quick escape if they are normally cornered. One thing to note is that if you get slapped by a zombie, you will run out of Widow's Wine grenade ammo even if you don't throw a grenade. In this situation, it is advisable to throw all remaining grenades outside of the map to avoid accidentally detonating the grenade. Players can replenish their grenades with max ammo all at once, or two at a time by starting a new round, similar to frag grenades and semtexes. It is also possible to melee attack zombies to kill them without consuming a grenade, or even if you have run out of grenades, to get additional grenades. Widow's Wine Machine from Black Ops III.
Elemental PopMain Article Elemental Pop
So many elements for you to consider when you're trying to modify yourself to deliver reliably. The kind of hint that no one in your sight can resist. A hint that feels like a sweet summer kiss. You bring out the best in me. (It's elemental) I bring out the best in you, it's elemental. (It's elemental) (x2) You bring out the best in me, I bring out the best in you. (x2)PHD flopper jingle
Elemental Pop Jingle Elemental Pop applies a small chance of applying a random Ammo Mod effect of the base tier to bullets fired by the player. Tier 1 allows a small chance of applying a random base Ammo Mod effect to equipment damage as well. Tier 2 reduces Ammo Mod cooldowns by 20%. Tier 3 utilizes the skill tree level instead of the mod's base level. Tier 4 increases elemental damage vulnerability by 50%. Tier 5 deals electrical damage on reload.Elemental pop machine that appears in Black Ops Cold War, Modern Warfair III, and Black Ops 6.
Death perceptionMain Article Death Personization
Some say, seek, not given. But don't blow your heart. And when accuracy is needed, we will strengthen your eyesight. Death Personization Death Person Overlife Death Persa Apartment This is a lif e-saving undead that is too many undead. If you need accuracy, you will strengthen your vision Death Persa Appon What you can find Death Person, but it may change your heart You can do it. Death perception! May save your life-Death Persaen Jingle
Death Purse Appon JingleDeath Perception makes the player see the outline of the nearby enemy over the wall. Tier 1 increases the update rate of the player's minimap. Tier 2 displays dangerous indicators when the enemy is behind. In Tier 3, the acquisition of the looted Salvage and High-Grade Salvage increases by 20%. In Tier 4, armor penetration damage increases by 25%, and Tier 5 allows you to key lines over the wall of nearby chests, resources, and item drops.
Black Ops COLD WAR and Modern Warfare III Death Perception machine.
PHD slider
Main article PHD slider
(Dr.) Night view (doctor) Street is mean (doctor). Good, (doctor) bad, and halfway. If you dive to Prone, you will surely be your own, Dr. (flopper)! If you dive to Prone, you will be shaken to the bones, the zombies will make a voice, for the PHD! (PHD) The feeling is stronger. (Doctor) The right (doctor) Like the chorus of the song (doctor) (Dr.) Hit your body on the floor, not short or long, everyone needs your explosive love. If you dive into your prone, you will be shaken to the bones, the zombies will make a voice, for the PHD! (PHD) (flopper)! I'm sorry.
-PHD slider jingle
PHD slider jingle
- PHD Slider is the successor to the PERK-A-COLA PHD Flopper previously introduced. When the player slides to a zombie, it can generate an explosive burst of ethelium energy, and the size and damage of the bursts depend on the sliding distance until the target collides. Tier 1 gives an environment of environmental damage during sliding. Tier 2 increases the duration of sliding. Tier 3 gives a system for sel f-harm explosion damage. In Tier4, the slide speed increases, and in Tier5, when it falls from a large height, an explosion occurs, and the higher the fall, the higher the size and damage.
- PHD slider machine of BLACK OPS COLD WAR.
- Melee Macchiato []
- Main article Mele Makito
Parker cola appearing in Call of Duty Black Ops 6, giving the player a close weapon damage buff. In addition, changing the sting of the gun into a fist can cause higher damage.
- Makito machine for close combat that appears in Black Ops 6.
- Call of Duty Black Ops 4
- All launch Parka Cola in Black Ops 4.
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Zombies has completely rebuilt a classic perk system.
Chaos Story Park Alter
- On the ether story map, there are four machines in the game that correspond to four different purchasing models and beverage names. Brew (beer), COLA (cola), SODA (soda), Tonic (Tonic). However, in the chaos story, there are four unique images corresponding to four myths (Danu, Irish traditional Danu, ancient Egyptian, Zeus of classical mythology, and Odin of Scandinavian mythology). Each machine / statue starts from a predetermined area on each map, and it exists permanently, but the perk held can be changed with the Create-A-Class in the game. Except for Aether's Tonic machine and Chaos's Odin Statue, all machines / status are the same, and players can be revised from the Perk obtained from that machine / statue. This works as an additional effect. To get this effect, the player must have all four perk. Purchasing all four perks in addition to the modifier will increase the reload of the player. There are currently 18 kinds of perk in the game.
- Location
- Voyage of despair
- Dan u-Located on the bow at the starting point.
L a-in the cafeteria.
- Located in Zeu s-First Class Lounge.
- Odi n-In the engine room.
- IX []
- Dan u-At the Danu Shrine on the top floor.
Ra - Found in the Shrine of Ra on the top floor.
- Zeus - Found in the Zeus Shrine on the top floor.
- Odin - Found in the Odin Shrine on the top floor.
- Blood of the Dead
- Brew - Found next to the Power Building in New Industries.
Cola - Next to the gondola with Juggernog in Mob of the Dead.
- Soda - Found in the room connecting the medical room to the stairs to the roof.
- Tonic - In the Director's Office.
- Classified
- Brew - Main Office.
Cola - Lower level of the War Room next to the entrance to the Panic Room.
- Soda - In the Lab, next to the Power Room.
- Tonic - Pig Research.
- Dead of the Night
- Danu - Found in the Entrance Hall.
Ra - Randomly changes location between Forest Terrace, Wine Cellar, Garden, and Mausoleum.
- Zeus - Randomly changes location between Forest Terrace, Wine Cellar, Garden, and Mausoleum.
- Odin - Randomly changes location between Forest Terrace, Wine Cellar, Garden and Mausoleum.
- Ancient Evil
- Danu - At Attilid's Offerings.
Ra - At the Gymnasium Baths.
Zeus - At the Spartan Monument next to Pegasus.
Odin - At the River of Sorrows in the Dark Side of the World.
Alpha Omega
When everything's dragging you down, dragging you to the ground by your hair, you need a little revive if you wanna get back up. You need a little revive if you wanna get back up. Yeah
Cola - In the garage of the Yellow House.
Soda - In the canteen area of the Bunker.
Widow's Wine
Tag der Toten
Brew - Opposite under the lighthouse slide.
STAMIN-UP-Min-UP (x3) When you need extra running, when you need extra time, keep shooting guns, you like lime twists. When you want to keep moving, when you want to escape. When you need vitamin K! Let's run extra miles! I'll open your eyes and make them look! It looks like Stamin Up Mi n-up for you (stamin e-up Mi n-up!) Storamin Up Time! Yes, let's drink. Drink
Soda - On the other side of the ship, across from the engine room.
Tonic - In the facility shower room.
List of Perks found in Black Ops 4 [ ]
Time Travel
Increases equipment cooldown rate. Mystery Box and Pack-a-Punch weapons spawn faster. Trap and fast travel cooldowns are greatly reduced.
Modified Slightly increased special weapon recharge rate and elixir cooldown rate.
Quick Revive
Health regenerates faster and faster. Revives players faster.
Modified Movement speed increased after health regeneration begins. Grants full health and movement speed boost to both players.
Death Perception
See nearby enemies through walls. Receive an on-screen indicator when an enemy approaches from off-screen.
Modifiers Increased damage dealt to enemy weak spots.
Stamina Up
Increased movement and sprint speed. Stamina regenerates faster.
Fix: Infinite sprint. You can fire your weapon while sprinting.
Ethereal Razor
Off-hand melee attacks affect multiple enemies in an arc. Off-hand swipes and lunges deal bonus damage and restore a small amount of health.
Fix: Off-hand lunge attacks instantly kill basic zombies and deal higher bonus damage to other zombies.
Electric Burst
Reloading creates an electrical discharge that damages and stuns nearby enemies. The more empty your magazine is, the stronger the damage.
Fix: Reloading builds up an electrical charge in your melee weapon. Your next melee attack powers up your weapon and shocks enemies for a period of time. The more empty your magazine is, the longer that time.
Dying Wish
Instead of being downed, you enter Berserk for 9 seconds. While in Berserk, you are invincible and your melee damage is greatly increased. Afterwards, the player's health is reduced to 1. Cooldown increases with each use.
Modifiers Berserk When it runs out, the player is at full health.
Stone Cold Stronghold
Creates a defensive circle that grants increased damage and armor while inside it.
Legends tell of a hero in a tortured land where senoritas lived in fear. In their lonely nights, in their deepest despair, he was El Burro! (Hee haw, hee haw). Over the fields, over the plains. He ran fast enough to dodge the rain. He was El Burro! He took his gun and rushed to save the day. He was strong as a mule, stubborn as a mule, and even kicked like a mule! (El Bullo!). El Bullo! (El Bullo!) But some, and some more, just were! He was El Burro! He was El Burro! El Bullo (Hee haw, hee haw). - The Mule Kick Jingle The Mule Kick Jingle
Victorious Tortoise
When held up, the shield blocks damage from all directions. When the shield is broken, a defensive explosion occurs.
Main Article Elemental Pop
Deadshot Dealer
Aim down to target enemies' heads. Reduces hip spread and recoil when firing. Eliminates scope sway.
Modifier Headshot bursts deal increased damage.
Bandolier Bandit
Increases ammo stock.
Modifier Refills stowed weapons' ammo from ammo stock over time.
Winter's Wail
Creates a frosty explosion on melee attacks that freezes or slows nearby enemies. Players can charge it twice.
Modifier Frost explosions create a slow field around the player for a certain period of time. Stores additional charges.
Mule Kick
Have an additional weapon.
Modifiers: Switch weapons faster. The additional weapon is stored and will be restored on the next Mule Kick Perk purchase.
PhD Slider
Slide to store charges. When the charge is full, slide into an enemy and cause an explosion. Gain immunity to explosion damage.
Modifiers Increased slide distance. Trap immunity while sliding. Increased explosion damage when sliding from a higher height.
Zombshell [ ]
It generates a lasting pollution field for 5 to 10 seconds, slows down the zombie movement, and increases the damage to zombies.
Modifier players are ignored by zombies when they stand on the field.
Blood Wolf byte For 45 seconds, call for Wolf to help players when dealing reasonable damage.The zombies defeated by Modifier Wolf drop a small amount of ammunition, points, and special weapon charges.
Blaze phase
If you squat down, you will have a charge. In the meantime, if you squat down, you will go straight at an extreme speed and kill or defeat disturbing zombies. Correction charge status can be added.Secret source
Receive a random perk that is not assigned to other slots. Modifier's correction value of perk received.Jingle
The PERK-A-COLA machine on the Ather Story map is played randomly from the "Wunderfizz" jingle because the unique Perk machine has been deleted. All jingles are written by Jack Wall. Wonder Fizz Wunderfizz's wonderful soda! Strong, faster, give health, and bring wealth! Drink amazing amazing, supplements, Wonder Fizz. I'm thrilled! Do you know? (I think so, yeah) I want to go, go, I want to go. (It sounds good) What are you a genius, any quiz is an ace, and a boss of your "work"? (Wonder Fiz (What?) Incredible Wonder Fiz. (Where can I get it?) Sensual Wonder Fiz. OH. -Are you in the know? do you know? Grandfather Fedor, I sat down on the bed! He said: "I have an idea in my head. I don't know what kind of mechanism, but there are many benefits! Wonder Fiz is dangerous and shining. I don't know where to go, Wonder Fizz. Wonder. Wonder. Wonder. Wonder. Wonder. Wonder. Wonder. Wonder. Wonder. Drink a lot of Fizz! Wonderful Wander, Wander Fizz! (What?) Wonderful Wonder, Wonder Fizz! (Wonderful Wonder, Wonder Fizz! (What is that? (What is it? It's a carbonated drink that never stops! And you say this: "Gege, I'm flying!" ・ Wonder is Wonder Fizz, what (once!) Wonder Wonder! -Wonderful Wonder Fizz Wonderful Wonder Fiz Make your hair thick and thick! (Muscular and strong! (Mathematics gets better (the tie goes straight (IQ)? You can be more popular at a party! No one knows (Wonder Fiz can cause male and female sexual side effects. Immediately after drinking, do not operate heavy equipment or intake of pork or dairy. If you are older, please consult your doctor before enjoying the Wonder Fizztic Family), but no one knows what Wunderfizz is! Wonder Fizz will make you tie! -An attributes attribute Gallery Zeus altar Ra's altar Danu's altar Odin's altarBrew machine
Cola machine
Soda machine.
Tonic machine
I n-game beer machine
I n-game cola machine
Soda machine in the game
I n-game tonic machine
I n-game Zeus altar
I n-game rar altar
Danuna altar in the game
Odin altar in the game
Odin's altar in the intro of despair.
Call of Duty Vanguard Call of Duty: vanguards have become known as Demonic Fountains, featuring new perk, which resembled the previous perk-A-COLAS. This Perk Fountains has a fou r-step upgrade, the basic Tier is free, Tier2 is 2500 essence, Tier3 is 5000 essences, and Tier4 is 7500 essence. If you go down, the perk will be maintained, but you lose one Tier. List of magic spring [] Aetheal Haste []] Can increase movement speed similar to Stamina Up.Daemonic Frenzy
Increases reload speed similar to Speed Cola.
Vile Damage
Can increase damage dealt while inflicting critical hits on enemies, similar to Deadshot Daiquiri in Black Ops Cold War.
Brutal Fortitude
Increases health similar to Juggernog.Toxic Vitality [ ].
Increases the player's health regeneration speed, similar to Quick Revive in Black Ops 4 and Black Ops Cold War.
Aethereal Haste Demonic Fountain.Daemonic Frenzy Demonic Fountain.
Vile Damage Demonic Fountain.
Demonic Fountain.Vile Vitality Demonic Fountain
Cut Parka Cola [ ]Attack
Amm-O-MaticUnused texture for the Amm-O-Matic.
The Amm-O-Matic is a cancelled vending machine in Der Riese. While it cannot be seen or used in Der Riese, there are stairs leading up to it next to another cut perk called the Candolier. The stairs are visible, but the player cannot climb to the top. It is located near the room next to Double Tap. This idea was apparently scrapped at the last minute by Treyarch. Unused sound files remaining on the game disc confirm that the machine was designed to give the player Max Ammo upon purchase. The perk costs 10, 000 points and can only be used once. It is the same baby blue color as Quick Revive, and the symbol resembles a bullet. Candolier [ ] (English
Main article Candolier
The Candolier is a Perk-a-Cola machine that was planned to appear in Call of Duty: World at War but was cut from the game. Not much is known about the machine, but it likely had the same functionality as the Bandolier perk that appeared in Call of Duty 4 and World at War, allowing the player to carry extra ammunition. Its color is light green and its symbol is a row of bullets, alluding to the idea that extra ammunition can be carried by purchasing and using the perk. This idea was eventually reimplemented in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 as a perk called Bandolier Bandit.
Tufbrew [ ] (English
Main article Tufbrew
Tufbrew is a cut Perk-a-Cola mentioned in the game files for Ascension. Due to the name, it is possible that this perk increased the player's health in a different way than the Juggernog.
Main article Pronaid
- PronAide was a park cut with ASCENSION, making the player laid down faster than usual. This can be presumed to be the earliest predecessor of PHD Flopper. Other perk is not well known.
- About 4 or more parks []
- Main article Random Park Bottle
- From the release of ASCENSION, the map can now include four or more parks. However, players can only buy four parks at once. If you try to buy another park with currently four parks, you will fail. To avoid this, there are several ways to get up to 9 or more perk (at the time of Origins) on the ASCENSION or later maps. The most common random park bottle is the powe r-up that gives all the alive players an additional random park. Also, when you get a focusing stone and complete the Lichthofen grand scheme, all parks that continue until the end of the game will be given to players. However, Call of Duty: Black OPS Verrückt, Shi no Numa, Der Riese, Kino Der Toten, and "Five" are available in the Mule Kick release, but there are no more ways to get it.
- In Tranzit, you can get four or more benefits by purchasing any three benefits and next to the Tombstone Soda. After that, the player needs to go down himself and do not feed the zombies. The player has to gather the remaining two parks and buy a tohm stone again after rispawn. Players have to act quickly, but otherwise the power up of the tombstones will disappear. This is very difficult because Tranzit has a long travel distance. The only place where you can get enough parks to break through this restriction is the town with jaguarnog and stami n-up (however, the player is down and the toomstone spawns here, and others. Conditions to purchase all parks).
- In Die Rise, players can get a free bonus bottle by defeating all jumping jacks with 100 % accuracy in each round (or using Trample Steam). Players can also get six parks on the map by clearing Easter eggs.
- In "Buried", you can get a free privilege bottle by navigating when the lighting of the ghost mansion is on. You can also obtain all seven benefits by clearing Buried Easter egg "MINED GAMES". Another way to get the free benefits is to get a baristic knife from the mystery box and go to the saloon. When you arrive at the saloon, look for a white line on the floor. When you find a white line, turn behind and shoot a knife towards the dartboard. When the player's knife hits in the middle, 100 points are obtained and the piano behind is played. In other words, the Easter egg has been activated. Go to the mansion and come to the entrance near the maze of the hedge, and then go to the other side of the mansion. When you enter again, you can see the ghost playing the piano, so you will go to the right side of the piano and pass the action button and pass the 1 0-point chip. If you give a 1 0-point chip, you will receive a free benefit. There is a grace of 90 seconds to get free benefits in this way, and if you do not get the benefits, you have to wait for the next round and try again. Also, if you can't release a knife to the central dart board, you have to wait for the next round and try again.
- In Origins, you can dig an orange spot when you have Golden Shovel and be in Zombie Blood. If you dig up an orange excavation spot, you will get an empty park bottle and add one park slot. However, there are only four empty park bottles that can be obtained by digging orange bone mountains, and the last park must be double tapped. In < SPAN> Buried], you can get a bonus bottle for free by navigating when the lighting of the ghost mansion is lit. You can also obtain all seven benefits by clearing Buried Easter egg "MINED GAMES". Another way to get the free benefits is to get a baristic knife from the mystery box and go to the saloon. When you arrive at the saloon, look for a white line on the floor. When you find a white line, turn behind and shoot a knife towards the dartboard. When the player's knife hits in the middle, 100 points are obtained and the piano behind is played. In other words, the Easter egg has been activated. Go to the mansion and come to the entrance near the maze of the hedge, and then go to the other side of the mansion. When you enter again, you can see the ghost playing the piano, so you will go to the right side of the piano and pass the action button and pass the 1 0-point chip. If you give a 1 0-point chip, you will receive a free benefit. There is a grace of 90 seconds to get free benefits in this way, and if you do not get the benefits, you have to wait for the next round and try again. Also, if you can't release a knife to the central dart board, you have to wait for the next round and try again.
- In Origins, you can dig an orange spot when you have Golden Shovel and be in Zombie Blood. If you dig up an orange excavation spot, you will get an empty park bottle and add one park slot. However, there are only four empty park bottles that can be obtained by digging orange bone mountains, and the last park must be double tapped. In "Buried", you can get a free privilege bottle by navigating when the lighting of the ghost mansion is on. You can also obtain all seven benefits by clearing Buried Easter egg "MINED GAMES". Another way to get the free benefits is to get a baristic knife from the mystery box and go to the saloon. When you arrive at the saloon, look for a white line on the floor. When you find a white line, turn behind and shoot a knife towards the dartboard. When the player's knife hits in the middle, 100 points are obtained and the piano behind is played. In other words, the Easter egg has been activated. Go to the mansion and come to the entrance near the maze of the hedge, and then go to the other side of the mansion. When you enter again, you can see the ghost playing the piano, so you will go to the right side of the piano and pass the action button and pass the 1 0-point chip. If you give a 1 0-point chip, you will receive a free benefit. There is a grace of 90 seconds to get free benefits in this way, and if you do not get the benefits, you have to wait for the next round and try again. Also, if you can't release a knife to the central dart board, you have to wait for the next round and try again.
- In Origins, you can dig an orange spot when you have Golden Shovel and be in Zombie Blood. If you dig up an orange excavation spot, you will get an empty park bottle and add one park slot. However, there are only four empty park bottles that can be obtained by digging orange bone mountains, and the last park must be double tapped.
- In Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies, players can get four or more perks by using Perkaholic, On The House, Soda Fountain, and Unquenchable GobbleGums. In the Soda Fountain, players can get a free Perka-Cola when purchasing another Perka-Cola, but only if the player does not have the effect of all Perka-Cola on the map. In Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, and Gorod Krovi, players can get four or more perks by completing their respective Easter eggs. In The Island of Despair, Zetsubou No Shima, and Gorod Krovi, players can get more perks by completing challenges. In The Island of Despair, players can also get perks by growing fruit seedlings and getting a Blue Perk Bottle power-up from plants. In Revelations, players can get a random perk by wall-running across the consecutive walls in the Der Eisendrache area of the map while anti-gravity is active. Each player in the game can do this once, and all players can receive all nine perks without using Gobble Gum (you must also complete a challenge on the map to get the ninth perk).
- In Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, there are two ways to get more perks on map IX. The first is to complete challenges. Completing a certain number of challenges will randomly award you with the perk Vapor. The other is to collect Viking helmets, swords, and mugs and place them on a Viking corpse in the Temple of Odin. The player must then be equipped with Wraith Fire and throw it from the Temple of Zeus onto the corpse. If thrown correctly, the corpse will remain on fire. After that, wait seven rounds and a power-up drop will appear that resembles Odin. When this drop is picked up, the player will automatically be given a random perk, which will be stacked on top of the four pre-selected perks (and the fifth perk added by the challenge, if any).
- However, in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, the perk limit was completely lifted, allowing players to acquire more than four perks by default. The same is true for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III and Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.
- Trivia
- Main article Random Park Bottle
- 19. 1. 2 IX